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朱迪?加兰的嗓音在她那个年代,甚至如今,都是无可比拟的。Judy Garland has a voice that was unmatchable in her time and still is unmatchable today.

它所起到的健康效果是现有卫生服务体系难以达到的。Of course, the effect of such services is unmatchable by the existing health service system.

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他们的专业水平和技术才能将是无与伦比的。The amount of expertise, skills and talent put to the service of this project is unmatchable.

他的船舶航行和作战技能,罕见的,他成功地掠夺一无数船只。His navigating and ship combat skills were unmatchable , and he successfully plundered a numerous vessels.

因此,它在世界经济发展和财经新闻报道方面的影响力,没有任何媒体可以企及。Therefore, it's influence is unmatchable in the area of reporting economic development and financial news.

同时,约翰和克莱塔帮助吉米控告一个媒人不帮她安排适当的男伴。Meanwhile, John and Coretta help Kimmie Bishop, who's back suing a matchmaker for saying she's "unmatchable".

她对现代舞的形成与发展所做的贡献是巨大的、不可估量的,无人能与之比肩的。Her contribution to the formation and development of modern dance is tremendous, imponderable and unmatchable.

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但它每秒能演算50次,这是个人和任何最新的算术计算机均无法比拟的。But it could perform 50 multiplications per second, a feat unmatchable by either a human or the latest adding machine.

其中“高兴”牌氧化镁板是本公司率先推出的拳头产品。In which "Helong" the sign US magnesium oxide board is the unmatchable product which this company takes the lead to promote.

在某些行业我们具有无可比拟的成本优势,我们可以在节能产品的生产这个环节发挥作用。In some industries, we have an unmatchable cost advantage, and we can put this to use in the production of energy saving products.

方世玉2——我以前最喜欢的电影,虽然有些缺点,但是人音乐背景下的那些伤感的场景令人无法抗拒。Fong Sai Yuk 2- Formerly my favorite movie. Although flawed, it has unmatchable sentimental scenes backed with the most beautiful music.

它的功能强大性、于安装性、限地区性和资源共享性都是传统视频监控所无法比拟的。It has powerful functions, easiness of installation, no regional limits sharing resources that are unmatchable for traditional video monitoring.

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作者迈克尔•佩恩作为整个事件的参与者和见证者,通过不可复制的角度,向读者讲述了那段艰难捍卫奥林匹克尊严和理想的故事。As the participant and witness, Michael Payne narrates, in an unmatchable perspective, the hard journey of safeguarding the Olympic dignity and dream.

网络时代档案编研高效便捷、活多样、放集约的特点,使之具有传统档案编研无法比拟的优势。As a result, it is highly-effective, flexible, open and intensive, which is regarded as an unmatchable advantage compared with traditional working means.

中国的庞大发展规模,加上香港位处华南门户,占尽地利,都使我们有了竞争优势。The scale of development in China, and the fact that we have an unmatchable location as the gateway to the South, gives us a natural competitive advantage.

因此在一些应用领域具有无可比拟的优越性,如大型工程结构、大型发电机组和安防边界的振动监测。So in some application areas it has unmatchable advantages, such as vibration detection in large engineering structures, large dynamotor group and border security.

高校学生党建工作与新的时代要求还存在许多不相适应的地方,解决现存的诸多问题一定要提到日程上来。There are also some unmatchable things between our university students party-building and the new time requests. It must be mentioned and programmed up to our work.