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做蜡烛式。Do the candle.

你是红烛。You are the candle.

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犹如那摇曳的风中之烛。Like a candle in wind.

吹灯插烛炬。Blow Light Pull Candle.

看着桌上的红蜡烛。Look at the red candle.

蜡烛噼啪爆响着熄灭了。The candle sputtered out.

就像是风中之烛。Like a candle in the wind.

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蜡烛已烧完。The candle had burnt away.

安排一个烛光晚餐。Plan a candle light dinner.

风吹得烛光闪动。The wind flared the candle.

没有要对着太阳面蜡烛。/日既出矣,爝水可熄。Light not a candle to the sun.

醒时空对烛花红。Space-time bonus of up candle.

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烛光怎么摇得这么害?What makes the candle blow so?

蜡烛已烧去一半。Half the candle had burnt away.

点完了半支蜡烛。Half the candle has burnt away.

你的内心藏有一盏小烛There is a candle in your heart

借着黄色的光穿裳。And dress by yellow candle light.

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在黄色的烛光下穿衣服。And dress by yellow candle light.

在昏黄的烛光中打扮。Anddress by yellow candle -light.

他操劳过度,如蜡烛双头烧。He burns his candle at both ends.