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新马路将把城市分成两部分。The new road will bisect the town.

用圆规把一个角二等分。Use your compass to bisect an angle.

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'在我们对分几何一个圆圈,或'削减'在'两个。In geometry we bisect a circle , or 'cut' it in 'two.

咱们不能切断民族的文化血脉。We have to nanytime bisect the cultural attitude of our nation.

六十秒钟之后我们就会找到他的行踪,注意找红油漆记号!We'll bisect his trail in sixty seconds. Look for the red paint!

采用不同的分割方法可对不同时期的胚胎进行分割。People can bisect the embryo at different stage by different bisection method.

长达373英里的吉布河路把位于西澳核心地区的金伯利高原一分为二,它原是一条牧区道路,把面积有比利时那样大小的牧场与温德姆港口联系起来。The Gibb River Road's 373 miles bisect the remote heart of Western Australia's Kimberley Plateau.

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他重申对分众传媒股票评级为“买入”,目标股价为66美元。He reiterates grade of stock of bisect numerous medium is " buy ", target share price is 66 dollars.

通过上面的描述,我们对分库的规则也有了简单的认识和了解。Pass the description above, the regulation of our bisect library also had simple recognition and knowledge.

本文分析了过三角形中任意一点作线段平分三角形面积问题。This article analyzes the problem about making segments crossing any point of a triangle to bisect the area of the triangle.

那座穿戴典雅花衣裳的弧墙是空间里的主角,以灵巧的姿态连结公共及私密场域。A curving wall hovers above and it seems not to bisect but rather to link the private and public space in a twin proposition.

对开滑动轴承的对接平面精加工是该类产品工艺流程的关键工序。The finish machining of the bisect plane of bisect sliding bearing is the key working procedure of the machining process of such products.

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自周四开始的这轮地震集中于从九州岛西南部延伸至东北部的一条地质断裂带,这条线将该岛一分为二。The earthquakes since Thursday have been concentrated along a cluster of fault lines that bisect the island of Kyushu from southwest to northeast.

该算法使用了一种有效的表格查找和拉格朗日乘法器对分搜索办法,能够较快的收敛到最佳的功率点。By means of the approach of look-up table and Lagrange?multiplier bisect searching, this algorithm can be convergent to the optimal point of power rapidly.

车上的人勒住马,下车走到后面,用镐把上百磅重的冰快砸成两半,把其中的一块用夹子夹到垫肩上,走进一个人家的后门。The man would drop his reins, go to the back of the wagon, bisect a hundred-pound block with his pick, swing half of it to his shoulder pad with his tongs, and proceed to someone's back door.