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青岛啤酒今天发布了半年报。Tsingtao Brewery semi-annual report released today.

老规矩,来一瓶冰镇青岛啤酒。I stick to my usual, one bottle of well-chilled Tsingtao beer.

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山东省是很多中国驰名品牌的“老家”,其中包括“青岛啤酒”和“海尔”。Shandong is home to many well known Chinese brand names among them Tsingtao Beer and Haier.

李长龙和他的妻子坐在列车过道的尽头,他正盯着一个空的青岛啤酒罐子。Across the aisle, Li Changlong, 58, sat next to his wife and stared at an empty can of Tsingtao beer.

青岛啤酒从未在啤酒生产过程中添加,也不可能产生亚硝酸钠。Tsingtao Brewery has never in the production process to add, it is impossible to produce sodium nitrite.

没有火锅和昂贵的白酒,取而代之的是便宜的青岛啤酒,我们在觥筹交错间寻找共同的兴趣。Instead of hot pot and expensive liquor, we clink bottles of cheap Tsingtao and search for common interests.

1914年的11月7日,德国当时在中国占领的殖民地胶州湾及其位于青岛的市中心地区,被日军占领。November 7,1914, The German colony of Kiaochow Bay and its centre at Tsingtao are captured by Japanese forces.

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本文的研究结果对青岛啤酒公司330ml纯生啤酒的市场推广有一定的实际应用价值。The research results of this thesis have certain practical value to the promotion of 330ml purely Tsingtao beer.

从青岛啤酒1993年成为中国首家双重上市公司算起,至今只有短短15年的历史。Tsingtao Brewery from 1993 to become China's first dual-listed companies run, so far only a short span of 15 years.

除了青岛啤酒和海尔白色家电等少数例外情况,中国品牌在西方市场事实上处于默默无闻的状态。With a few exceptions, such as Tsingtao beer and Haier white goods, Chinese brands are virtually unknown in Western markets.

会场有各式各样从德国、比利时进口的啤酒,相对于青岛啤酒来说,它们稍带更多的苦味。There were different kinds of Beer imported from Germany and Belgium, they have a bit more bitter flavour than TSINGTAO Beer!

胶州湾及其邻区在青岛市经济和社会发展中日趋重要。Jiaozhou Bay and its adjacent area are getting more and more important in the economic and social development of Tsingtao city.

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德国选定中国北方城市――青岛为其目标,并向当时的总理衙门提交了德国希望将胶州作为其军事基地的官方咨文。Germany selected northern Tsingtao and filed an official enquiry to the governing Tsungli-Yamen for a military base in Kiautschou.

市北区是青岛市传统的工业基地,拥有青岛啤酒、青岛港等著名国内企业。Shibei District is the traditional industrial base of Qingdao, boasting of Tsingtao Beer, Qingdao Port and other domestic companies.

青岛啤酒博物馆及青岛啤酒工业旅游,青岛美丽的自然风光,无不吸引前来寻幽探胜的旅游者。Tsingtao Beer Museum and the Tsingtao Beer tourism industry, Qingdao and beautiful natural scenery, attract the tourists exploration.

纽约市的世界日报和青岛日报已经叫他“王长笛”和“大师的艺术长笛。The New York City based World Journal and Tsingtao Daily have called him "the king of the flute" and a "master of the art of the flute.

对于青啤咄咄逼人的攻势,燕京啤酒自然不能坐视不理,并发动了反击战。To the aggressive competition of Tsingtao Beer, however, Yanjing Beer couldn't just stand and they have started the counterattack action.

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我试过用不同的酒去煮,以青岛煮出来的最香甜易入口,而且啤酒的酵素致使肉排炆得好软熟呢!I've tried several brands to cook the dish, and Tsingtao beer gives the most sweet and smooth taste, also the enzymes serve as a fine meat tenderizer!

以青岛啤酒酵母菌株YSF31的总DNA为模板,PCR扩增出超氧化物歧化酶基因SOD1和α-信号肽基因。Used the general DNA of TSINGTAO brewers yeast industry strains YSF31 as a template to amplify superoxide dismutase gene SOD1 and a-factor gene by PCR.

青岛啤酒,一家H股上市公司,据报道在2004年到2009年期间已有二十余次环境违规的记录。Tsingtao Brewery, an H-share company, was reported to have more than 20 environmental-violation records in its operations across China from 2004 to 2009.