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他的另一个战功是诺拉战役。Another of his Achievements was the battle of Nola.

我的朋友诺拉和加里来为我母亲的生日。My friends Nola and Gary come for my mother's birthday.

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诺拉在泰国清迈的关爱狗儿中心做志愿者。Nola has volunteered with Care for Dogs in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

如果你不想使用全名,你可以这样称呼NOLA。If you do not want to use the complete name, you can call the city NOLA.

诺拉住在三楼,从阳台上可以看到运动场。Nola lives on the third floor, and from their balcony she can see the sportsground.

诺拉家住在校内,在她家附近有一个很大的运动场。Nola 's family lives on the campus and there is a big sportsground near their house.

诺拉这么做还招来了骚扰她的人,但是她仍旧分送自己的内裤。Nola has acquired a stalker as a result of her actions, but still distributes her panties.

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核桃瘤蛾是北京市郊区核桃树的主要害虫之一。The walnut nolid moth, Nola distributa Walker, is a major pest of walnut tree in the vicinity of Peking.

和福特喜斯州立大学的其他学生一样,诺拉·奥科斯打算在本周的秋假里看书学习。Like most students at Fort Hays State University, Nola Ochs plans to spend some time reading and studying during this week's fall break.

诺拉在博客里提到,64岁的史蒂夫患有色素性视网膜炎,视力已经受到很大影响。Nola is mentioned in rich guest, steve of 64 years old suffers from retina of coloured element sex phlogistic, eyesight already endured very big impact.

此外,新奥尔良和路易斯安那还有个简写的昵称,如果不想用全称,就可以把它叫做NOLA.And, there is a nickname that uses the short way to write New Orleans and Louisiana. If you do not want to use the complete name, you can call the city NOLA.