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这是一种误用。This is a misapplication.

这是资本的错误运用和浪费。This involves a misapplication and waste of capital.

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最后指出模型的误用与错用问题。Finally, the misapplication of the model is indicated.

有劲瞎使是个很严重的问题。The misapplication of effort is a very serious matter.

第三,也是让我们最担心的,就是有人蓄意误用这项技术。And third, we are now more worried about intentional misapplication.

我一直认为这是人类声音的滥用。I felt all the time that it was a misapplication of the human voice.

这是一起滥用联邦法律的案例,亦是一个司法不公的案子。This is a case about the misapplication of federal law. It also is a case about unequal justice.

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盲目购药自服、误用秘方、验方等均可能遭致不幸。Buy medicine blindly to be taken oneself, misapplication secret recipe, proved recipe all may send misfortune.

对于任何滥用,错用,误用或安装不正确的现象,本保证将失效。This warranty shall be invalidated by any abuse, misuse, misapplication or improper installation of the product.

一些老美觉得过去标准考试的错误运用,损害了教育制度。Some Americans feel that the misapplication of standardized testing in the past has damaged the education system.

石博士指出,还有一种误用眼药水造成的后果更为严重。Stone doctor points out, the consequence that still eyedrop of a kind of misapplication is caused is more serious.

然而,在实际认识中,存在着光谱谱线平行和光谱向量平行混淆的误区。Nevertheless, there is misapplication about understanding spectral line parallelism and spectral vector parallelism.

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黑色的心理健康说,引用的数据,可能导致无辜的人受到谴责,在未来。Black Mental Health says that the misapplication of data could lead to innocent people being condemned in the future.

十二生肖正在申请专利的喷头也是彩色编码相匹配的宠物体重范围,进一步防止误用。Zodiac's patent-pending applicators are also color-coded to match pet weight ranges, further preventing misapplication.

一般地说,科学技术在各个领域的使用,不管是否得当,都肯定会影响到整个社会结构。In general, the application —or misapplication —of science and technology in all fields is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole.

事实上,有相当多的人在误用这个“后”字,比如说后奥运、后博客、后世博,诸如此类。In fact, person of quite a few is in misapplication this " hind " word, for example hind Olympic Games, hind rich of rich guest, later ages, such.

分析了造成这些化学添加物滥用的原因,并提出了规避化学添加物风险的措施建议。The reasons of misapplication chemical additive were analyzed, and some measures and suggestions for keep away from safety risk were also put forward.

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滥用或非法使用兽药及违禁药品,造成畜产品兽药残留,危害人体健康。Misapplication or illegal use of veterinary medicine and contraband medicines would result in residues harmfulness to health of animal and human beings.

美联社发言人表示,美联社和1000多家报纸仅仅希望谷歌帮助解决“内容的误用”。Associated press spokesman expresses, help of song of only hope cereal solves associated press and many 1000 newspaper " the misapplication of content ".

该系统的审计目的是为了监视、记录和控制用户活动,以便检测和判定对系统的恶意攻击和误操作,并且提供日志作为事后追查的证据。The subsystem could detects the attack on and the misapplication of the system and provide audit log to monitor and control the users' behavior if necessary.