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豌豆粥有点儿烫。Pease porridge hot.

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冷豌豆粥。Pease porridge cold.

第二条,不能喝粥。Rule two, no porridge.

我喜欢在粥里放糖。I like sugar on porridge.

“男人是锅粥,越熬越有味道”。I need a pot of porridge.

他吃的稀饭和面包。He had porridge and bread.

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粥熬糊了。It's the porridge burning.

粥熬得太糨了。The porridge is too thick.

粥熬得太糨了。The porridge is too thick.

粥很稠。The porridge is very thick.

我想再吃一些稀饭。I want to have some porridge.

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我早餐喜欢吃粥。I like porridge for breakfast.

我喜欢大米粥。Group Work I like rice porridge.

拥有一碗粥比没有什么好。Porridge is better than nothing.

你喝粥了吗?Have you eaten your rice porridge?

我妈妈每天吃稀饭。My mother eats porridge every day.

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稀饭也演过一些电影。Porridge has also been in some films.

乌发又补肾,粥加核桃仁。UFA has kidney, plus walnut porridge.

我晚上喜欢喝粥。I like eating porridge in the evening.