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象形文字是一种古老的文字。Pictograph is an old writing.

所以我估计这肯定是东巴文。So I guess it's a Dongba pictograph.

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一般而言,象形文字是最早产生的文字。Generally speaking, the pictograph is the first text.

象形字是汉字构造的基础。Pictograph is the base of conformation of Chinese character.

山的象形字原来是三座山峰堆在一起的。The pictograph for a mountain was originally three peaks together.

“山”的象形字原来是三座山峰堆在一起的。The pictograph for a mountain was originally three peaks together.

拟形和拟意是象形文字的两大表现特征。Shape imitation and meaning imitation are two expressive features of pictograph.

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象形文字有着古老的历史,目前被应用于许多装饰设计中。The pictograph has a very long history and has been used in many adorning designs.

它使中国的象形文字彻底从象形化走向抽象化、符号化。It makes Chinese pictograph completely evolve from image to abstractness and symbolization.

“山”是个象形字,是由大山的形态演化而来的。"Mountain" in Chinese is a pictograph character which has its origin in the shape of the mountain.

我们对字母词的实证研究表明现代汉语的方块字中已经接纳了拉丁字母的书写形式。Our empirical research in letter words proves that Chinese has adopted the Latin letters into its pictograph writing system.

东巴教经典以象形文字——东巴文记录,是迄今还“活着”的最古老的文字之一。The scriptures of Dongbaism are written in Dongba writing, a kind of pictograph which is one of the oldest"living" writings.

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汉字的象形特点使神秘数字蕴含的时空观在表象上得到最大限度的保留。Moreover, the pictograph characteristic of Chinese words makes the space-time idea in the mysterious figure be kept maximally.

纳西族的东巴文,是当今世界上仅存的一种古老的文字符号,被称为“活着的象形文字”。Dto-mba writing created by Naxi Nationality is one of oldest pictograph in existence, known as "an alive pictograph of the world".

指出理解性、历史性和图案性是形象文字具有装饰美的重要原因。It was pointed out that he pictograph comprehension, historicity and pattern are the reasons that caused the beauty of its adorning.

纳西族在其社会历史发展过程中创制了独特的象形文字,产生形成了卷帙浩繁的东巴经历史档案。During its process of social historical development, the Naxi People invented the unique pictograph and wrote a vast literature of history archives.

象形文字形象化强,具有记事特征,从字形可以看到造字时人们特定的思维方式。The shape of pictograph reveals peoples mode of thought when creating Chinese characters because of its characteristics of image-making and recording.

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这种文字有的是借用汉字的偏旁部首重新组合而成,有的是借用汉字注壮语音义,有些是创造的类象形字。Such a word either to use Chinese characters by means of radical re-combination, and some borrowed voice Yi Zhuang Chinese Note, some is to create a class pictograph.

古代“法”字以其象形文字的独特方式,为我们今天探讨”法”的定义和起源,提供了许多有益启示。The character "Fa"in ancient times, with the unique form of pictograph , has offered a lot of beneficial inspiration for the discussion of its definition and origin today.

汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一,它作为仅存的象形文以其富有内涵的构成方式,显示出独特而又魅力无穷的东方视觉艺术。Chinese character is one of the oldest characters in the world. It, as the only existing pictograph and rich in connotation, shows the unique and charming oriental ocular art.