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爸爸,妈妈,和我们家的BB熊。Dad , mam and our BB bear.

爸爸和妈妈,我们都很爱你…Dad and mam , we all love you.

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妈妈叫我早点儿起床。Mam hounds me to get up early.

比老妈年轻十五岁。Fifteen years younger than mam.

一个人小看自己,别人也会小看他。Mam belittles himself and others will belittle him.

玛姆出生于一个每年只吃得上一次肉的家庭。Mam was born to a family that ate meat once a year.

妈妈帮我们剥掉土豆皮,可爸爸连皮一块儿都吃了。Mam peels our potatoes but Dad eats its skin and all.

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老妈从没谈起过他,不过姐姐却记得他。Mam never talks about him but my sister remembers him.

梁子告诉马鸣下次来的时候一定要把他带出去。When you come next time tell Liangzi mam ing must bring him out.

请快点回复,女士,入学日期快到了。Please reply mam fastly it is urgent for admission date in college.

没有一个人值得你为他黯然哭泣,生命中的至爱,是不会让你流泪心伤的。No mam or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

等马母走时马鸣和王燕儿送她,梁奶奶却朝门外啐了一口。When such mam ing and Wang Yaner horse mother sent her grandma Liang but spat at door.

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“他在那边呢”他指着一个黑头发白外衣的人说。"That's him over there, Mam. " He said, pointing to a dark-haired man in a white coat.

他在我三岁时离开了,留下我和老妈、姐姐自力更生。He’d gone off when I was three and left me and mam and my sister to fend for ourselves.

而我回答说,恩,妈,我觉得你不必担心这个国家演进的方向。And I said well mam I dont think you got any worries about the way the country is headed.

好吧,那么老妈,我母亲,她三十七岁,是一个怪人,一个十足的废物,懦弱无能。Ok, so mam. My mother. She is thirty seven years old and she is a flake. A total dribble. Weak as.

所有土地一块没了,于是一位年长的堂姐,迪妈,提出了一个解决办法。The family risked losing the land altogether, so an older female cousin, Mam Di, suggested a solution.

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许多黑社会的犯罪组织贿赂了当地警方,涉及玛姆事业的执法者总是犹豫不决。Many mafias had paid off the local police, and law enforcement was hesitant to get involved in Mam 's cause.

劳拉最不希望的事情是老妈和马克在星期天下午中间时在楼上做那个。And the last thing that Laura wanted was mam and Marc doing that upstairs halfway through a Sunday afternoon.

正因为她诚实,她看到的比大部分人多,所以她知道的比大部分人多,她把我和老妈维系在一起。And because she is honest she sees more than most, so she knows more than most, and she holds me and mam together.