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这是德国威黑姆国王的纪念台。This is the "Kaiser Wilhelm" memorial.

威廉约翰森提出了基因这个专门术语。Wilhelm johannsen coined the term gene.

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难道我们还生活在威廉二世皇帝的时代?!Leben wir noch in Zeiten des Kaisers Wilhelm II. ?!

三个世纪前,戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼兹曾有过一个梦想。Three centuries ago, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz had a dream.

德国的格林兄弟,雅各布和威廉,决定把民间传说写下来。The German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm decided to write folktales.

九月,一九一八年,他们会见了德国统治者威廉。In September, nineteen eighteen, they met with German ruler Kaiser Wilhelm.

威尔汉姆提到,人们不光把清洁产品用作促销赠品。Wilhelm says sanitising products aren't just used as promotional giveaways.

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聪明的人只要能掌握自己,便什麽也不会失去─弗�德里希·威廉·尼采。A wise man never loses anything if he has himself─Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

在科学心理学史上,冯特是一个不可或缺的奠基性人物。In the history of scientific psychology, Wilhelm Wundt is one of the founders.

陆军司令部的威廉·冯·门杰斯提交一份入侵的计划草案。Captain Otto Wilhelm von Menges in OKH submitted a draft plan for the invasion.

古老的威廉皇帝纪念教堂直侧建有八角形的新教堂。The old straight side of Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church built a new octagonal church.

这样一来,维多利亚公主的儿子威廉二世——也就是当时的德国国王,就能继承王位,从而同时统治德国和英国。That would have made her son — Wilhelm II, who at that time was the German Kaiser — king.

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这些战绩使Richthofen成为威廉二世最可怕的战士之一。These military exploits made Richthofen one of the most feared warriors of Kaiser Wilhelm.

托马的余生都在战俘营中度过,1948年4月30日,他死于狱中。Wilhelm von Thoma remained a prisoner of war until just before his death on 30th April 1948.

在获奖演讲之后,罗斯福成了德皇威廉二世的座上宾。After he delivered his Nobel Lecture, Roosevelt was the guest of Kaiser Wilhelm II in Germany.

染色体的想法是运营商表示继承1883年的威廉空肠。The idea that chromosomes were the carriers of inheritance was expressed in 1883 by Wilhelm Roux.

至少从洪堡时代开始就认为本科教育培养的是理论研究型人才。University education is thought to foster research-typed talent at least since Wilhelm von Humboldt.

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在理查德.戴利市长和保罗.西蒙参议员成功的竞选活动中,拉姆和戴维共过事。Rahm had worked with Wilhelm in the successful campaigns of Mayor Richard Daley and Senator Paul Simon.

光首先是被德国科学家伦琴于1895年差不多是偶然发现的。X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen, in 1895, almost by accident.

弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇尔取得了一系列天文成就,被誉为“恒星天文学之父”。Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel made a series of achievements in astronomy, as the "Father of stellar astronomy."