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关于威客宣传的。Publicize about power guest.

我们必须广泛地宣扬这次会议。We must publicize the meeting widely.

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他使中国新闻记者宣传他的斗争。He pesters Chinese journalists to publicize his fight.

很多组织都会在团体会议上公布他们的方案。Many organizations publicize their programs in group meetings.

耶稣为何劝告痲疯得医治者不要到处张扬?Why did Jesus advise those healed leprosy patients not to publicize?

还应该公开这些财务报表的说明。It also should publicize the notes explaining those financial statements.

朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人大的罪过。Friends publicize a man's virtues while the enemies exaggerate his wrongdoings.

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我雇了一名公关人员,向公众宣布,我是在家工作的。I hire a public relations person to publicize the fact that I work from home. P. 7

孔子周游列国,推广他的儒家哲学。Confucius toured around many countries to publicize the philosophy of Confucianists.

他这么做了,并与爱默生自己的出版商芒罗合作,而后者并没有为出版此书做什么。He did so with Munroe, Emerson's own publisher, who did little to publicize the book.

杨朱作为他们的代言人,不可能宣扬纵欲、享乐思想。As their spokesman, it is not possible for Yang Zhu to publicize carnalism and hedonism.

他们在社区进行治安巡逻,并向居民宣传防盗等安全知识。They will patrol around the communities and publicize anti-theft knowledge to residents.

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刘登利就是一位活跃在中国土地上,用电视来宣传环保的绿色志愿者。Every nation is trying to publicize and support environmental protection in various ways.

一个冰欺凌商店可以只提前两周公布一个冰欺凌社交活动。An ice cream shop could publicize an ice cream social event for singles two weeks in advance.

可以推测,这些证券如此之差,以至于不能公布他们的信用评级。Presumably these securities were so bad that they wouldn't even publicize their credit rating.

基金管理机构应当公布联系电话、通讯地址和电子邮件地址。The fund management organ shall publicize its contact phone number, address and email address.

你能否描述一下最初公布研究结果时得到的一般回应?Can you describe the general response you received when you first began to publicize your work?

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别浪费时间去宣导祂,试图推广祂,更毋须与人讨论或争辩其真实性。Don't waste your time to advocate it or try to publicize it. Even don't dispute on its reality.

孔先生,你到处游历奔走,向那些无知的百姓宣扬你的学问,令他们大感吃惊。Sir, you go around to publicize your knowledge to the ignorant people and give them big surprise.

这部短片旨在向世界各地的人们宣传间岛这片韩国失去的领土。This short movie tries to publicize Gando, the lost territory of Korea, to people around the world.