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宽阔巨大,有强壮的后枕骨。后头骨宽阔。Broad and large, with strongly defined occiput. Broad back skull.

从枕骨部到吻部的长度大于额头的宽度。Its length from occiput to muzzle is greater than the width at the brow.

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从后脑到止部的距离等于从止部到鼻尖的距离。Distance from occiput to stop equal to distance from stop to tip of nose.

从鼻镜到止部的距离与从止部到后枕骨的距离大致相等。The length from nose to stop is approximately the length from stop to occiput.

换言之就是胎儿枕骨位于母亲骨盆左前侧。In other words, the fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's left, anterior side.

鼻梁、颊骨和肌肉平滑,从枕骨到鼻梁的长度等于口鼻的长度。Cheekbones and muscles flat. Length from occiput to stop about the same as length of muzzle.

从眼睛到鼻尖的距离与从眼睛到后枕骨的距离大致相等。The length from the eye to the tip of the nose is equal to the length from eye to the occiput.

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由于入路及空间结构的限制,对枕骨进行固定并非易事。The occiput does not easily accommodate instrumentation because of access and spatial constraints.

枕前通常是胎儿最易经过产妇骨盆的胎位。Occiput anterior is usually the easiest position for the fetal head to traverse the maternal pelvis.

枕前通常是胎儿最易通过产妇骨盆的胎位。Occiput anterior is usually the easiest position for the fetal head to traverse the maternal pelvis.

从止部到鼻尖的距离与从止部到后枕骨处的距离一致,口吻坚固,且有足够的深度。The muzzle from stop to tip of nose is approximately the same length as the skull from stop to occiput.

从侧面观察,脑袋相当高,且从鼻镜到后枕骨的距离相当短。Viewed at the side, the head should appear very high, and very short from the point of the nose to occiput.

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目的探讨持续性枕后位分娩方式与新生儿体重的关系。Objective To oppraise the relevance of neonatal weight and delivery modality in persistent posterior occiput presentation.

目的探讨持续性枕后位的临床特点及分娩方式。Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and modes of delivery in patients with persistent occiput posterior position.

因而,从后枕骨到眉毛的几乎是水平的线条略微靠上一些,从眼睛到鼻尖的线条与之平行、长度相等,且笔直。Thus the nearly level line from occiput to brow is set a little above, and parallel to, the straight and equal line from eye to nose.

目的探讨枕后位产妇于宫颈扩张活跃早期徒手旋转儿头配合侧俯卧位行产程干预对分娩分式的影响。Objective To investigate the outcome of delivery by intervention of occiput posterior position in early stage of active dilatation of Cervix.

随着孕程的进行和胎头的下降,枕骨通常随着胎头的前行向前旋转,由LOT转向LOA或者OA。As labor progresses and the fetal head descends, the occiput usually rotates anteriorly , converting this LOT to an LOA or OA as the head delivers.

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导致头位难产的主要因素依次为胎头位置异常、巨大儿、宫缩乏力、软产道及骨产道异常。The main causes of dystocia of vertex presentation were occiput mal presentation, macrosomic infant, uterine atony, abnormal pelvic and genital tract.

用于描述臀位的术语与头位术语一样也有用于识别的标志,不同于头位使用的“枕骨”,臀位用胎儿骶骨作为临床识别标志。The terms used for breech positions are the same as for cephalic positions, except the sacrum of the fetus is used as the identifying landmark, instead of the occiput.

警方确认摩的司机系被他人用石块类钝器击打脑枕部后致蛛网膜出血而死亡。The police confirmed that Morocco's drivers are strokes after the stone class blunt instrument the brain occiput are sent by other people the arachnoidea hemorrhage to die.