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他们察觉出布什的说话声中带有一丝伤感。They detect a bit of wistfulness in his voice.

不过,他的助手们说,他们察觉到布什的语气中有一丝。But aides say they detect a bit of wistfulness in his voice.

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但是他的助手说他们从他的话语中察觉到一丝渴望。But Ads said aides say they detect a bit of wistfulness in his voice.

制造业巨头们或许又可见到一丝曙光。THE giants of the mining industry might be forgiven a little wistfulness.

街上的小吃是我在美国最想念的」他说到他少有的渴望。The street food, it's what I miss most in America, " he says in a rare moment of wistfulness ."

也许她可以单独出张唱片,给我们再带来一些以前的欢乐和愿望。Period. Maybe a solo record by her could bring back some of the joy and wistfulness of earlier times.

不过阴影仍然存在,她表示人们在童年和青年时是最幸福的。Still, there is a shade of wistfulness as she suggests that people are happiest in their childhood and youth.

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不过,如果你和很多今日的城里人聊聊的话,你很快就会发现他们的乡村背景,以及常有的一丝怀旧的感伤。But talk to many an inhabitant of today's big cities and you soon detect a rural background, and often a slight wistfulness with it.

当我审视港大的成就,除了深表钦佩同时感到无限渴望。As I contemplate the achievements of Hong Kong University, I am filled with deep admiration and also, it has to be admitted, with wistfulness.

最近,总统说他准备回到德克萨斯,如百姓般生活。但是助手们却说,从总统的声音里,能感到一丝失落。In recent days, the president has said he is ready to return to Texas and life as a private citizen. But aides say they detect a bit of wistfulness in his voice.

一层淡淡的疑虑和渴望困扰着她,但这些只是使她的目光和话语带上了一种企盼的表情。She had been troubled in a way by doubt and longing, but these had made no deeper impression than could be traced in a certain open wistfulness of glance and speech.

我们想要某事呼吁,并且我们认为一点将有某事卓别林—渴望一个小家伙设法竭尽全力他可能的老鼠。We wanted something appealing, and we thought of a tiny bit of a mouse that would have something of the wistfulness of Chaplin — a little fellow trying to do the best he could.

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你说相对于稳定的关系,性对你更重要,你把性当成与他人发生接触的方式,但在你言语里显出一些对稳定关系的向往。You indicate that sex is more important to you than having a settled relationship, and that you use sex as a means of connecting with others, but there is some wistfulness in your words.

他现在是哥大金融系教授,兼任普利斯马资本公司风险管理顾问。Derman explained recently with a tinge of wistfulness , sitting in his office at Columbia, where he is now a professor of finance and a risk management consultant with Prisma Capital Partners.

最近几天,布什总统已经说他已准备好回到得克萨斯过上私人生活,但是他的助手们说他们察觉到总统声音中有些期待。In recent days, the president had has said he is ready to return to Texas and like prime life as a private citizen. But aids aides say they detect a bit of wait famous wistfulness in he his voice.