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可能有碱中毒和缺钾。Alkalosis and potassium depletion may be pronounced.

可能有碱中毒和缺钾。Alkalosis and potassium depletion may be pronounced.

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应用过量时,可致代谢性碱中毒。Application of excessive hours can cause metabolic alkalosis.

应用过量时,可致代谢性碱中毒。Application of excessive hours, can cause metabolic alkalosis.

最基本的特征为低钾血症和代谢性碱中毒。The basic laboratory findings of BS was hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis.

这正是稀释性酸中毒和浓缩性碱中毒的新观点。It is thus dilutional acidosis and contraction alkalosis with a fresh insight!

显然,这种代谢性碱中毒对盐水输入没有反应。Clearly, this kind of metabolic alkalosis would not respond to saline infusion.

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在他抵达急诊室后的十五分钟时,忽然发生惊厥及呼吸性碱中毒。He seizured within fifteen minutes of his arrival and was found to have acute respiratory alkalosis.

合并医源性代谢性碱中毒的原因与防治。Objective To study cause and prevention of II respiratory failure with iatrogenic metabolic alkalosis.

说明高钙日粮能引起鸡代谢性碱中毒和电解质代谢紊乱。In conclusion, high calcium diet could cause metabolic alkalosis and disorder of acid-base and electrolyte in growers.

大剂量的速尿会引起严重电解质紊乱和代谢性碱中毒,应该慎重使用。High doses of frusemide are associated with severe electrolyte disturbance and metabolic alkalosis , and should be used cautiously.

高钠,心力衰竭患者容易发生钾损失,低钾性碱中毒和高血压。Sodium retention, fluid retention, congestive heart failure in susceptible patients, potassium loss, hypokalaemic alkalosis and hypertension.

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像在呼吸性酸中毒时一样,也需要用许多复杂的公式来确定呼吸性碱中毒的预期代偿。As in the case of respiratory acidosis, many complicated equations are used for determining the expected compensation in respiratory alkalosis.

分别绘制了慢性呼吸性酸、碱中毒时,肾参与代偿调节顺应性的变化范围曲线图。Graph of changed scope of compliance about renal participating in compensatory adjustment were drawn out in chronic respiratory acidosis and alkalosis separately.

结论原发肾小管性低钾碱中毒主要表现为低血钾、代谢性碱中毒、血压正常。Conclusions Primary renal tubular hypokalemic alkalosis is characterized by hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis, hyperreninemic, hyperaldosteronism and normal blood pressure.

伴随着由远端小管细胞产生的HCO3-进入血液。由这种方式引起的碱中毒被称为浓缩性碱中毒。Sodium accompanies HCO3- into the blood stream when the distal tubular cells generate it. The alkalosis that results from these processes is called a contraction alkalosis.

低钾血症可引起代谢性碱中毒,因为当在肾小管细胞中钾离子浓度降低时氢离子的排泄就增加了。Hypokalemia itself may produce a metabolic alkalosis , since an increase in excretion of hydrogen ions occurs when the concentration of potassium in the tubular cells in low.

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MOF早期多为呼吸性碱中毒,并发低氧血症,随病情的加剧,可发生代谢性酸中毒,严重者可发生三重酸碱失衡。Ourdata showed that in the early stage of MOF respiratory alkalosis with or without hypoxemiamight be present, and later or, there might be metabolic acidosis or even triple acid-base disturbances.