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外汇储备已成为一种权力资源.FX reserves have become a power resource.

外汇20内阁是由15毫米杨木胶合板。The FX 20 cabinet is made of 15mm poplar plywood.

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为此外汇卖出风崄降至最小。And for this selling of FX risk was held to a minimal.

我从没有外汇投资经验,应该从何著手了解外汇?I have never traded FX and I do not know how to start.

外汇市场隔夜的波动暗示着风险厌恶情绪。Overnight FX moves were indicative of risk-off sentiment.

本附表并未披露外汇交易涉及的所有风险。This Schedule does not disclose all of the risks in dealing in FX.

港元已经同美元挂钩,我又甚少外游,为什麽我还要留意外汇风险?HKD is pegged with USD and I seldom travel. Why do I bother FX risk?

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外汇隐含波动和波动率指数在继续增加。Volatility continues to increase both in FX implied vols and VIX index.

FX巨型包2是一个飞镖粒子系统收集、包装的影响。FX Mega Pack 2 is a shuriken particle system collection, packed with effects.

在外汇合约中,公司将不限于场外交易。In FX CONTRACTS, firms are not restricted to effect off-exchange transactions.

这将是一个行动包装的有趣的过程充满了烟火FX的提示和技巧。This will be an action packed fun course full of pyrotechnic FX tips and tricks.

中国目前的封闭式场内交易的银行间外汇市场具有哪些主要的弊端?What are the major disadvantages of the present exchange-traded FX market in China?

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所以如果你想要拥有FX的全部实力而没有问题,请买9系主板。So If you want the full power of FX and no issues, please buy 9 Series motherboards.

来自瑞典的动画动土,特别FX和人物设计和开发。Groundbreaking animation, special FX and character design and development from Sweden.

除了惯例之外,外汇交易市场的每笔交易都遵循这样的特定模式。In addition to convention, transactions in the FX markets are quoted in a certain format.

所有进行国外贸易的公司都会面临一定程度的外汇风险。All companies which engage in foreign trade will be exposed to a certain amount of FX risk.

他现居马萨诸塞州的波士顿,当前的节目是FX系列,在这节目当中他也担任了编剧,导演和编辑。He currently stars in the FX comedy series Louie, which he also writes, directs, and edits.

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北京东方丰鑫国际贸易有限公司是专业经营有色金属矿产品的公司。BEIJING FX ORENTAL IMP EXP CO. , LTD is an enterprise focusing on non-ferrous ores products.

使用这些指定的渠道向舷外FX处理器或监视和辅助渠道。Use these to assign a channel to an outboard FX processor or monitor and auxiliary channels.

显然,Autodesk的流体效果不会有像Maya在硬核系统上运行的效果那样强大。Obviously, Autodesk Fluid FX isn’t going to be as powerful as Maya running on a hardcore system.