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性感的莓果色达拉斯大理花。A "berry" sexy bloom of Dallas dahlia.

她的脸颊像是棕色的果浆。Herr cheeks that are brown as a berry.

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我想也许可以尝试一下巴西莓。I thought i would try acai berry diet.

日光浴把我晒得黝黑了。The sunbed make me as brown as a berry.

山茱萸这种浆果味酸,但好吃且有益健康。Cornel is sour, but tasty and healthy berry.

把你的桶子带来,我们要去采莓果啰!Bring your bucket. We're going berry picking!

浆果有营养并且有一种带甜味的口味。The berry is nutritious and has a sweetish taste.

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入口清甜,蕴溢着黑莓和蓝莓的味道。Sweet black and blue berry fruit fills the palate.

那就找一个当地的农场,去采采浆果吧。Find a local farm that'll let you go berry picking.

欧洲的一种结红色浆果的蔓生悬钩子属植物。European trailing bramble with red berry like fruits.

没有果树,比较像是没有河流的彭巴。No berry bushes, similar to Pampas without the river.

女人味十足的梅子色对于浅色皮肤来说也不夸张。A feminine berry that's not too dramatic for fair skin.

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此酒呈深紫红色,散发出成熟浆果和香料的芳香。Deep violet-red wine, with ripe berry and spicy aromas.

扑鼻而来是一阵红色浆果混合的甜美香料的芬芳。Intense nose of red berry fruit mixed with sweet spice.

暗褐色的浆果,直径约7毫米,具3短角状突起的。Berry dark brown, ca. 7 mm in diam. , with 3 short horns.

这种沼地浆果只有一小粒种籽,外面包着一点浆水。A muskeg berry is a bit of seed enclosed in a bit of water.

约翰尼乙。古德,贝里被认为是一个岩石和摇滚的先锋。Goode, Berry is considered one of rock-and-roll's pioneers.

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在这边,它和美味的莓果可一点关系也没有。It has nothing to do with the delicious berry in this case.

种植水果或坚果树、浆果灌木或葡萄。Planting fruit or nut trees, berry bushes, or grape arbors.

罗斯伯里想出一笔钱参加那个俱乐部,但没有被接受。Rose berry tried to buy into the club but was not accepted.