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灵长类动物也可以微笑。Nonhuman primates smile as well.

这些灵长类动物比安全卫士更有价值。These primates are valued as more than security guards.

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但是灵长类并非博纳病毒的唯一靶宿主。But primates were not the only targets for borna viruses.

第一只灵长动物出现在大约七千万年前。The first primates probably appeared about 70m years ago.

鲸目动物的声音运用能力甚至超过大多数灵长类动物。Cetaceans even surpass most primates in their use of sound.

猫猴被认为是与灵长类动物有着最近的亲缘关系。Flying lemurs are considered the closest living relatives to primates.

雄性灵长目动物陪自己的孩子玩耍,不过有时候它们会试图杀死幼仔。Male primates play with the young, but sometimes they try to kill them.

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这种趋势发生在厚皮类动物、大鲸鱼以及较高级的灵长类动物。This trend occurred in pachyderms, large whales, and the higher primates.

但她绝对适时深化了我们对于灵长类的理解。But she definitely moved our understanding of primates further back in time.

跟预期的一样,一些灵长类动物和豚鼠体内也发现了该基因。The pseudogene was also found in some primates and guinea pigs, as expected.

所有200种左右的灵长类动物都有黑色的眼睛和几乎不可见的巩膜。All 200 or so species of primates have dark eyes and a barely visible sclera.

当然,一个赤裸裸的人类只是比其他灵长类动物露得多一点点。And of course, a naked human is just that bit more naked than other primates.

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对于像猴子这样的非人灵长类,新生儿是面对着母亲出生的。In non-human primates such as monkeys, the newborn emerges facing the mother.

其他灵长类动物也在一定程度上有这种特性,但它们的笑很有意思。Other primates do it to some extent and then it's interesting when they do it.

人类和其他灵长类动物,都对所喜爱的面孔具有一定的偏好There are some preferences with humans and with other primates to favor faces.

但是,如果人类灵长类动物将它爬行,一面漆是否有根据。But if human primates will be crawling on it, a finish coat would be warranted.

但是因为原猴亚目失去了自己的栖息地,研究就变得更为困难。But that’s becoming more difficult as the primates lose their natural habitats.

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灵长目动物摆脱了丛林,眼镜猴是第一个,狐猴不久也出来了。Primates emerge from jungles, as tarsiers first, becoming lemurs not much later.

所有灵长类动物都有指纹,一些栖息在树上的哺乳动物如考拉也不例外。All primates have fingerprints, as do some tree-dwelling mammals, such as koalas.

其他灵长类的研究如何在理解这个主题的过程中派上用场?How would studies of other primates be useful in the understanding of this topic?