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那时候,我每天打电话给她,打了足足一年。“I called her every day for a year, ” Emanuel said.

美国总统奥巴马向伊曼纽尔表示了祝贺。President Barack Obama sent his good wishes to Emanuel.

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然后,伊曼纽尔看见一束灿烂的光横穿湖面。Emanuel then saw a very brilliant light across the lake.

伊曼纽尔斯韦登伯格是瑞典科学家和宗教教师。Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist and religious teacher.

耶稣将伊曼纽尔带回天堂,并给他看一座美丽的城市。Jesus took Emanuel back to heaven and showed him a beautiful city.

你可不想和拉姆·以马内利一块儿去度假。You wouldn't want to vacation with Rahm Emanuel , for goodness sake.

我所了解的人士当中没有人比伊曼纽尔能更好的担当此任。And no one I know is better at getting things done than Rahm Emanuel.

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易曼纽的计画意图超越戴利及其他单车友善城市。Emanuel plans to outdo both Daley and other bike-friendly U. S. cities.

伊曼纽尔可以清晰地听到房间里人们的谈话。Emanuel could hear the conversation of people in the room where his body was.

基督徒相信以马内利就是先知以赛亚所预言的弥赛亚。Christians believe that Emanuel is the prophet Isaiah's prophecy of the Messiah.

伊曼纽尔的一位朋友通过电邮给我发来了有关伊曼纽尔濒临死亡的一段经历。I received the following near-death experience by email from a friend of Emanuel.

伊曼纽尔康复后,开始传扬他在天堂见到的一切。After healing, Emanuel started his ministry of testifying to what he saw in heaven.

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伊曼纽尔。艾克斯出生于波兰的利沃夫,六岁时开始在华沙学习钢琴。Emanuel Ax was born in Lvov and began to study the piano at the age of six in Warsaw.

伊曼纽尔的一位朋友后来证实这是真的。A friend of Emanuel testifies that this is true. The man has all scriptures in his head.

据说他还曾寄了一条死鱼给一位惹火他的竞选阵营民调分析师。Emanuel is also said to have mailed a smelly dead fish to a campaign pollster who upset him.

在六年前伊曼纽尔当选伊利诺伊州国会议员后,他就变得成熟一点了。Emanuel has mellowed somewhat since his election to an Illinois congressional seat six years ago.

他还很惊奇地发现一些曾和他一起用心侍奉上帝的、被认为是虔诚的基督徒并不在对岸。Emanuel was surprised he did not see some devout Christians with whom he had been serving God with.

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现在,应该有人打个电话到白宫去问问伊曼纽尔,看他能不能飞到法兰克福去几个礼拜。Somebody should phone the White House, and ask if Emanuel could be flown to Frankfurt for a few weeks.

目前,奥巴马资深助手劳斯代理白宫幕僚长一职,接替离职的伊曼纽尔。Currently, Obama senior aide of a Rolls-agency White House chief of staff to replace departing Emanuel.

上帝还告诉那医生有关伊曼纽尔的详情,包括在基加利的哪家医院,并给他看了伊曼纽尔的照片。God gave the doctor all the details about Emanuel including the hospital in Kigali including his photo!