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这是一个建有巨大的大理石柱廊的宫殿。It's a palace with a huge marble portico.

他将两根柱子立在殿廊前头,右边立一根,起名叫雅斤。He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple.

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我们站在南草坪上惊奇地盯着白宫那巨大的圆柱门廊。We stood on the North Lawn gazing with wonder at her grand portico.

门廊在伯鲁乃列斯基死后才建完,建成后基本符合他的设计。The portico was built after Brunelleschi's death corresponds to his design.

虽然你们邀我留宿时,我却睡卧于圣殿的门廊.And slept in the portico of the temple where you would gladly have sheltered me

尼克松在通向北门廊的行车道下方修了一条保龄球道。Nixon built a one-lane bowling alley below the driveway leading to the North Portico.

那是一座低矮的楼房,就像一个小疗养院,在门廊的下面有一条车道。It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.

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12世纪时,它的前三层楼刚建起就已经开始倾斜。It has been shifting since the first 3 portico stories were constructed on soft ground in the 12th century.

殿前的廊子长二十肘,与殿的宽窄一样,高一百二十肘。The portico at the front of the temple was twenty cubits long across the width of the building and twenty cubits high.

原有门廊的材料和新的颜色都用于新加部分的室内和室外空间。The materials and new colours from the existing heritage portico are used internally and externally in the new addition.

在阳光灿烂的日子,你常可以看到手里拿着三明治的学生和年轻人们站在美术馆的门廊等待进去参观。On sunny days, students and other young people are often to be seen having a sandwich lunch on the portico of the Gallery.

步出丛林,游客来到被建筑深深门廊围合出的的鼠尾草甸与宁静庭院之中。Emerging from the forest, the visitor enters a sage meadow and serene courtyard framed by the Center's deep wrapping portico.

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这个中庭,有圆柱环绕的门廊,延伸到中古世纪风的大楼之下,在中间有一个水池。The atrium, which had a columned portico all around, extended under all the medieval edifice and had at its centre a cistern.

城中最古老的古迹都坐落在圣雅各的坟墓和奉有圣雅各圣骨的教堂周围。The oldest monuments are grouped around the tomb of St James and the cathedral, which contains the remarkable Portico de la Gloria.

三面环绕的半开放长廊下阶梯状的座椅向着内院逐级跌落,成为了聚集、讲解活动的最佳场所。The space is embraced on three sides by a covered portico and seating stairs that can accommodate gatherings and park orientations.

经过鹅卵石铺装的入口庭院和宽敞的门廊后,一条小路顺着一侧的浅浅水湾,引导着人们沿着舒缓的台阶走向主入口。From a wide portico and pebbled entrance court, a pathway leads to gentle steps to the main door, flanked by a shallow water feature.

门廊温泉将提供一个重新浴缸和机构收集,以帮助开发绿色概念纳入日常每天梳理。Portico Spa will offer a reformulated bath and body collection developed to help integrate green concepts into a daily grooming routine.

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根据安排,他的下一次露面是在总统就职日。他将在白宫北门廊问候当选总统巴拉克-奥巴马。His next scheduled public appearance will be greeting President-elect Barack Obama on Inauguration Day at the White House's North Portico.

骑楼通过一个锅炉房和南侧主楼连接,呈现代派设计风格。Through a boiler room the sotto portico is connected to the southern part of the main building reflecting the modernist style of the design.

周二晚上,美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马和意大利总理马泰奥·伦齐在北门廊互相问候并拥抱。President Barack Obama and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi shared a brief hug on the North Portico as they greeted each other on Tuesday evening.