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本周四是戴德节。This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.

感恩节祭品。You have the thanksgiving offering.

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开展感恩节糕饼义卖慈善活动。Hold a Thanksgiving charity bake sale.

感恩节晚餐中途离席?。Leave in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner?

这些葫芦可以放置到感恩节之后。These too, can stay up through Thanksgiving.

你应该把感恩卡片寄给谁呢?To Whom Should You Send a Thanksgiving Card?

永怀一颗感恩的心!Will always have the heart of a Thanksgiving.

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感恩无痕,感恩无限!Thanksgiving-Fighting, Thanksgiving unlimited!

我们会一起用感恩节晚餐吗?That we all have Thanksgiving dinner together?

我的阿米希朋友也庆祝感恩节。I have Amish friends who celebrate Thanksgiving.

我的根将会在感恩节餐桌上得到体现。My roots will be on the table with Thanksgiving.

瑞秋邀Tag共进感恩节晚餐。Rachel invites Tag over for Thanksgiving dinner.

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感恩是小德,忘恩是大恶。Thanksgiving is a small German, ingrate is evil.

给行动不便的人们送上感恩大餐。Deliver Thanksgiving dinners to housebound people.

那么火鸡怎么成为了感恩节的吉祥物呢?So how did turkey get to be the Thanksgiving bird?

游行也是感恩节的活动项目之一。Parades are also a part of the Thanksgiving holiday.

你总是为感恩节这样大费周张吗?You always make such a big deal out of thanksgiving?

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如果你是美国人,你会想到感恩节。If you are an American, you think about Thanksgiving.

在加拿大感恩节是在十月第二个星期一。In Canda Thanksgiving Day is Second Monday in October.

我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最夸姣的年光。Our first Thanksgiving should always be our recommended.