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可梭仑回答说,雅典的特勒斯Solon answered, Tellus of Athens.

古代雅典由梭伦创建的由400人组成的元老院。The senate of 400 founded by Solon in ancient athens.

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当然,克罗伊斯已经向,梭仑展示了他巨大的财富Of course, Croesus had shown his great wealth already to Solon.

克罗伊斯很吃惊,他问梭仑为什么选特勒斯Croesus was astonished and he asked Solon why did he select Tellus?

梭伦软弱和轻信的特点使雅典人沦为奴隶。The weak and trusting character of Solon plunged Athens into slavery.

尚在梭伦之前,土地私有已是一个普遍的事实。Solon is still before the private ownership of land is a universal fact.

在打下物质繁荣的基础后,梭伦便着手制定宪法。Having laid the foundations of material prosperity, Solon turned to the constitution.

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我陈述此观点所用的最后一份文献资料,来自梭仑的诗歌The final document I want to use to make the point here comes from precisely the poems of Solon.

从这个意义上来讲,作为僭主的庇西特拉图可以视为“带卫队的梭伦”。In this sense, Pisistratus, the tyrant, can be justified to be termed"Solon followed by bodyguards".

但是在2010会议最后时刻,只有Solon先生一人坚守,无法再提当年的功绩。But at the final session of the 2010 conference, standing alone, Mr Solon was unable to repeat that feat.

克里斯提尼纠正了改革家和立法者梭伦改革遗留下来的社会政治问题。Cleisthenes corrected the social and political problems the reformer and law-giver solon had set in place.

总而言之,梭仑所说的,最幸福最幸运的人,是个无人知晓的已故雅典人So, to summarize, the happiest, the most fortunate man that Solon ever knew was a dead Athenian that nobody ever heard of.

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塞浦路斯商业、工业和旅游部能源服务主管索隆·卡辛尼斯说,已经根据国际法采取了所有步骤。Solon Kassinis, director of the Cyprus Energy Services, says all steps have been taken in accordance to international law.

梭伦离开后,上帝给了克洛伊斯一个大大的报复,可能是因为他太自以为是,认为他是天下最幸福的人。After Solon had departed, a great retribution from God came uponCroesus, probably because he judged himself to be the happiest of allmen.

克罗伊斯问梭伦,谁是你见过的,最幸福,最幸运的人,他用了一个词来表示这两重意思Croesus asked Solon to tell him who is the happiest, the most fortunate--both of those things contained in the words he uses--that he had ever seen.

他在火葬柴堆上,在即将被烧死之时想到梭伦,这个希腊人曾警告过他,这只是虚荣而已,他感叹着,哎,梭伦,哎,梭伦He was up on a pyre, and he was going to be burned when he remembered Solon, the Greek, who had come to him and warned him about the vain glory, and he said,oh Solon, oh Solon.

梭仑那时年岁已高并且备受崇敬,他最后被选为古希腊历史上,最具智慧的七个智者之一Solon was now a man of full years, he was a man greatly respected, and he turns out to be one of the seven sages that the ancient Greeks selected for the wisest men who ever were.

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成龙的管理部门——成家班的高级副主席苏志鸿表示已将该试图骗取钱财的欺诈邮件交由英皇电影公司的司法部门处理。Solon So, Senior Vice President of the JC Group, Jackie's management in Hong Kong, said that the email was an attempt to defraud and has referred the matter to EMP's legal department.