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在亚洲展开您的双翅,同我们一起飞高望远。To spread your wings in Asia. Share our vantage point.

这就是“重庆华帝王朝华美达广场酒店”。This is the "Vantage Wang Zhaohua Metroplex Plaza Chongqing."

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新的3DMark华帝规模也将在多达32个线程。The new 3Dmark Vantage would scale well across up to 32 threads.

有一个地方可以把惠远城尽收眼底。There is a vantage point where you can see all parts of the city.

从现在这个有利的时间点来看,2002年的网络是没法想象的。It’s hard to imagine the Web of 2002 from our current vantage point.

阿阿斯顿马丁V8的沃兰特敞篷版还制作。Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante convertible version was also produced.

钱塘观潮的地点,古今有所不同。Over the centuries the vantage point for watching the tides has changed.

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要在不可计数的观众之前到达并决定最好的有利位置。Arrive before the crowds of spectators and determine the best vantage point.

这种优势,可让他们轻易接受自然界的模?两可及相互对抗的力量。This vantage readily accepts ambiguities and the counteracting forces in nature.

昆汀.塔伦蒂诺制造这个情节多彩的撞车不足为奇。Not surprisingly, Quentin Tarantino does this crash from multiple vantage points.

我对年轻人的忠告很简单-----爬上进步的最高点,然后向回望。My advice to the young is simple—climb to the highest vantage. And then look back.

从卫星的角度来看,很容易理解这些波纹的出现。These undulations are easiest to understand from the vantage point of the satellite.

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你需要上到建筑物的最顶层来占取有利地形。You need to reach the absolute top of the building to get to the proper Vantage point.

敌军的部队后撤了50余里,使我军获得了有利地形。The enemy's army retreated about 50-odd miles, which made our army gain vantage ground.

但是中国的问题必须首先从一个经济高度“碳依赖”的角度来考虑。But China must consider the question from the vantage point of a coal-dependent economy.

梅州市作为世界客都,是世界客家人的发源地,具有得天独厚的社会文化优势。Mei Zhou as world's Hakka city which is the womb has advantaged social cultural vantage.

目前,华帝已设立了厨具、热水器、太阳能三大事业部。At present, Vantage has set up kitchenware, water heater, solar energy three departments.

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无数照相机都在抢景拍摄那进球的瞬间。Innumerable cameras are fighting for a vantage point to shoot the moment a goal is scored.

从我自己的真理来说,我发现有些事物比其它事物更加真实。Speaking from the vantage point of my own truth, I find some things are truer than others.

那个一个法门的“边缘”令人感到不舒服,所以另外一些法门看起来总是更好。From the vantage point of that uncomfortable edge, some other practice always looks better.