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神射手也有不能命中的时候。A good shooter may miss.

那射手对她动武了。The shooter bent weapons on her.

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开枪的人是托尼,他救了泰瑞一命。The shooter is Tony and he saves Teri.

警方认为这个射击凶手是“单独行动的”。Police believed the shooter "acted alone.

米勒是一个久经考验的传球手和射手。Miller is a proven play maker and shooter.

有一点点来教江口味的加香子弹酒。Spicy shooter involving a touch of sambal.

这是一款手机上组队射击类游戏。This is a real team shooter for mobile phones.

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他还宣读了致歉信的内容。He also read a letter of apology by the shooter.

而韦德仍然是一个中距离跳投手。Wade, meanwhile, is still a mediocre jump shooter.

他是个节奏感很强的投手,很多个夜晚都能大放异彩。He's a rhythm shooter and he'll have some big nights.

别忘了,他现在是全联盟的最佳射手。Don't forget that he is the best shooter of the league now.

用你的火鸡枪炸死那些肮脏委琐的潜伏者。Blast those dirty, sneaking Rogues with your Turkey Shooter.

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在荧屏上,约翰?恩是一个直言不讳、针见血的人。On screen, John W ayne was a blunt talker and straight shooter.

她说特卡奇从未告诉她开枪者的身份。She said that Tkach never told her the identity of the shooter.

第三枪是画面之外响起的,来自一位身份不明的枪手。The third came from offscreen, fired by an unidentified shooter.

中国射击运动员邱健以1272.5环成了冠军。The champion became Chinese shooter Qiu Jian, with 1272.5 points.

一名观察员将向射击者报告射靶结果,好让他们调整枪械。A spotter will give aim to a shooter so they can adjust their gun.

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如果相机可以,就延长快门时间,再用一个三脚架。If your shooter allows, reduce the shutter speed and use a tripod.

他们研制出第一,在世界历史上哈萨克族语言的枪手。They have developed first in world history Kazak-language shooter.

另外两人在与枪手扭打在地的过程中受了些轻伤。Two others were slashed as they wrestled the shooter to the ground.