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我们不该那么做。We shouldn t.

那么程序会怎么做呢?会显示答案为。t prints out 0.

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那vxt是多少?What is vx of t?

这是一把丁字尺。It is a T square.

今。天就是一份礼物。T. oday is a gift.

我也不会请你。I wouldn t ask you.

只是。没放下去。Just. Don t put up.

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这就是x-t图That is x versus t.

你一定要相信…You mus. t believe.

你没闻到煤气味吗?Don"t you smell gas?"

它一文钱不值。It won' t cost penny.

晚餐六点钟就行了。Supper is redy t six.

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不要动那枪。Don"t touch the gun ."

别太想不开了。Don"t take it too hard.

他没有白白地死去。He didn"t die in vain."

我想订一张飞机票。I'd like t bk a flight.

玛丽不能消化脂肪性食物。Mary Can' t digest fat.

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不要弄乱你的房间。Don. t litter your room.

没有要搅得我古道热肠烦。Don"t get on my nerves!"

他是个典型的浪荡公子。He is a typical B. T. O.