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我现在需要打个盹儿。I need to catch some Zs right now.

你看起来很累。你咋不打个盹呢?。You look tired, Dave. Why don't you catch some Zs?

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戴维,你看起来有点累,怎么不打个盹呢!You look tired, Dave. Why don't you catch some zs?

因此,推动绿色出行,只在你插上和拔下充电插头的一瞬间,就可以实现零排放。So to drive green, plug in, lay down and get some ozone-free Zs.

他一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?。He keeps jabbering on and on. How am I ever gonna be able to catch some Zs ?

我们新厂项目组诚邀您参与中山新工厂模型的选型。Our new plant project team invite you to join in ZS New Plant Model selection.

ZS公司是一家典型的中小型房地产企业。ZS Company is a typical example of the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises.

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它可以为你省非常多的时间,这样你就可以在打开Firefox之前有更多的时间去睡觉了。This addon could save you so much time, maybe you can catch a few more Zs before you log on.

注意,当CS数值增加时,ZS数值减小,所以噪声增益增加。Note that as CS increases in value, ZS decreases in value, thereby increasing the noise gain.

可以说爱迪生是第一位关灯来获得一些午间睡眠的人。It could be argued that Edison was the first person to turn off the lights for the sole purpose of catching some midday Zs.

ZS系列分层筛适用于流水作业,是大小颗粒比例不等过筛连续出料的理想设备。ZS series vibration sieve is suitable for in line production. It is an ideal device for granule that has uneven size to sieve continuously.

针对油田污水富含还原腐蚀性的铁、硫等物质,研制开发出一种新型高效氧化偶合絮凝剂ZS。A new kind of effective ZS flocculate with oxidation and coupling was prepared for waste water produced from oilfield containing high quantity of Fe, S etc.

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如果你们不能走到一起,准艾琳和准周小南们,最初的甜蜜给你们带来的快乐可能是后来不曾有过的,那些日日夜夜一定会恍如隔世。If you can not afford such kind of love my dear As and Zs. The original feeling of your special love will be inestimable. The sweet feeling will emerge periodically in the coming days.