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我要变得比大力水手更强壮。And I try to be stronger than Popeye.

把你的菠菜吃了――你会像大力水手一样强壮的。Eat your spinach ― you'll get as strong as Popeye.

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“把你的菠菜吃了——你会像大力水手一样强壮的。”’ ‘Eat your spinach — you’ll get as strong as Popeye.

邀请卜派王子和爱因斯坦王子来我们宫殿吧!Let's invite Prince Popeye and Einstein to our palace.

现在,哥的俩胳膊都肿起来了,跟他么大力水手有一拼。Now, both of my arms are swollen enough to make Popeye proud.

在他的浴室里他是君主君主卜派的时候他是国王一样。In his bathroom he was sovereign just as he was king when he played Popeye.

有一天,我喜欢懦弱,汉堡包在大力水手水手事件空想家看看。One day I look like Wimpy, the hamburger fancier in the Popeye the Sailor saga.

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报道猜测,新一代的大力水手海报,T恤,甚至新的连环画,将很快开始在欧洲的各家商店销售。The article speculated that a new generation of Popeye posters, Tshirts and even new comic strips would soon go on sale in Europeanshops.

用卜派作为代表人物来推广菠菜是再适合不过的了,因为他都靠菠菜来得到力量。The statue is six-foot tall and brightly colored. Popeye was the perfect icon to promote spinach because he relied on it to get his strength.

如果你住在洛杉矶,你可能会因为一只名叫波佩的狗狗而想要预定当地一些最好的餐厅。If you live in LA and you're struggling to get a reservation at some of the best restaurants in town, it's probably because of Popeye the dog.

看看美国职业棒球联盟的类固醇丑闻,你就知道大力水手是怎样影响了一代人让他们不惜一切想要变得更强健。You only need to look at the steroid scandal rocking Major League Baseball to see that Popeye raised a generation that is willing to use performance enhancers.