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他很巧妙地应付了一个尴尬局面。He dealed with an embarrassed situation dexterously.

这三景风格浑然不同但又能巧妙地融合在一起。These three sceneries has totally different style but are dexterously mixed together.

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形容做事动作麻利爽快,要用下面的哪一个成语?Which of the following idioms is used to describe doing things swiftly and dexterously?

快歌环节结束,郭富城轻巧地打开魔方和外界打招呼。The quick song link finished, Guo Fucheng opened the Rubik's cube and the outside dexterously greets.

不过,随着工作进程的推进,2位航天员的动作越来越熟练、轻巧。However, along with progress of work's advancement, 2 astronaut's movements is getting more and more skilled dexterously.

然后他们用更多的绳索穿过她手上的绒绳把她在那个阴森的小屋中全身伸展开来绑着摆在地板上。Then they passed two more ropes through these thongs, and dexterously enough stretched her out on the floor of that ghastly cell.

这个埃及人非常狡猾地利用了伊俄涅的主要弱点,极其巧妙地用毒箭射中了她的自尊心。Most cunningly had the egyptian appealed to ione's ruling foible and most dexterously had he applied the poisoned dart to her pride.

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但是在靠近它的一瞬间,就会惊奇的发现,高大的厂房已经被巧妙地改造成风格迥异的艺术空间。When you get closer, surprisingly you will find that the massive factories have been dexterously transformed into different style art space.

一位美国运动员轻巧地摇着轮椅就进了银行,柜台的高度好像茶几,对她再合适不过了。An American athlete swung the wheelchair to enter the bank dexterously , the counter has resembled the tea table highly, to her again appropriate.

机器手所抓取之物体能否灵活运动决定于接触点之施力及施力矩分布。In robot hand systems, the force and torque should be well distributed and applied by the fingers in order to grasp and manipulate the object dexterously.

行走梁移动导向结构由以往的滑套式改为滑动导轨式,便得行走梁运行更轻巧、灵活,运动刚性好。Change walking beam guide structure from slide bush type to glide orbit type, make walking beam move more dexterously and nimble, and with good movement rigidity.

系统的引气量大大减少,力学性能得以改善,系统部件更加轻巧、紧凑。From the viewpoint of aircraft dynamics, the required air-input reduced, the performance of mechanics improved and the components of the system got dexterously and compactly.

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从文章一开始,福克纳巧妙地运用了叙述空白的手段,制造了起伏跌宕的悬念,与作者所表达的人际关系的复杂及人性的自私与卑劣这一主题相得益彰。At the very beginning of the story, Faulkner dexterously introduces "narrative ellipsis" to produce the cliff-hanging suspense which intensifies the theme of despicable human nature.

该方法巧秒地把一个三维的问题转化成二维问题,并加以合理地应用插值数学方法,可以推广应用到存在相似问题的其他类型传感器中。This method dexterously inverts the three-dimension problem into two dimension and properly uses interpolating method. It also can be applied in the other sensor that has same problem.

随着气相色谱在粮油检验中应用越来越广泛,要求操作者规范、熟练、正确地使用微量注射器。As the Gas driatography Inspection method is being more and more widely used for cereal and oil inspection, the operators are required to use the microinjectors correctly and dexterously.