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很高兴见到你,汤姆。Nice eto see you, Tom.

例8。向文明市民致敬!Salute eto Civilized Citizens!

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欢迎来到中加枫华学校!Welcome eto Sino-Canada School!

卫藤一行访问预定于12日结束。Eto visited scheduled on 12 November.

老师你好,我是新来的同学江藤裕子。Hello teacher, I am new to the students Yuko Eto.

刚刚进球破百的埃托奥却意外无缘首发。Eto 'o's goal just Pobai but missed the first accident.

经验较丰富的装订喜欢做的计算十字绣。More experienced stitchers li k eto do counted cross stitch.

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那些人又来找迩了,我说了英文但是他们罘懂。Those people eto you agin. I said English but they don't understand it.

评述比较了各类沸石催化剂的催化性能及各自优缺点。Catalytic performance and demerit in ETO of different types of zeolite catalysts are compared.

此否决出现在白宫自2001年以来将国家资助研究局限于有限数目干细胞系之后。That eto came after a White House moe in 2001 to restrict federally funded research to a limited number of stem-cell lines.

篮球,足球,羽毛球拍,乒乓球拍,健身器材,运动护具,跑钉鞋等学校体育器材。Basketball, football, fea ther racker, Soldier's racker, do exercise to keep fit the device, sport protecting equipment, Run spiked shoes eto school athletics device.

研究表明,对于本研究地区,四种方法中除布兰尼—克里德尔方法与彭曼—蒙特斯方法具有指数关系外,其它三种方法与彭曼—蒙特斯方法都具有线性关系。The results show that among four revised formulae, three have linear relation with Penman-Monteith ETo result except Blaney-Criddle method has exponential relation with Penman-Monteith method.