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什么是红车轴草的提取物?What is Red Clover Extract?

我们可从橄榄中榨油。We can extract oil from olive.

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我们可以从页岩中提取石油。We can extract oil from shale.

你能提取出。k1 And you can extract out k1.

传明酸、透明质酸、玫瑰提取物。Tranexamic acid, HA, rose extract.

什么是毛喉鞘蕊花的提取物?What is Coleus forskohli Extract ?

蜜蜂在花中吸取蜜汁。The bees extract honey from flowers.

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提取以用于无障碍设备。Extract for use by accessibility dev.

服用接骨木提取物抗病毒Fight Viruses With Elderberry Extract

在此情况下,您可以使用提取。In this case, you can use an extract.

葡萄籽萃取物对血压有益?Grape Seed Extract for Blood Pressure?

从植物中提取香精油。To extract essential oils from plants.

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木炭被滤过以提取碱液。Wood ashes are leached to extract lye.

卡罗伯提取新增为光障。Carob extract added as a light barrier.

现在我们要扣出第一个模特。We now need to extract our first model.

提取物在您所选择的文件夹拉链。Extract zips in a folder of your choice.

用香草精调味的冰淇淋。Ice cream flavored with vanilla extract.

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对照组的果蝇没有接受蔓越莓提取物。Control flies didn't receive the extract.

解释如何提取视频的元数据Explained how to extract video meta-data.

第一部分是提取每一个数据包。The first part is to extract each packet.