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我们碰到了他。We came across him.

跨湖。我游湖跨越。I swam across the lake.

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你甚至可以游过去You can swim across it.

我游过了河。I swam across the river.

那位骑士的枪头是横刺而折的。The knight broke across.

他游过了河。He swam across the river.

我偶然发现一个应用程序。I stumbled across an app.

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我们游到河了对岸。We swam across the river.

我们涉过一条小溪。We waded across a stream.

一条渡船把我们送到对岸。A ferryboat get us across.

割裂了绿色的山岗。Across the soft green sod.

横跨叶尼塞的大桥。Bridge across the Yenisei.

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他急速地穿过房间。He darted across the room.

他趟水过河。He waded across the river.

他走过桥了。He went across the bridge.

他划独木舟过河。He canoed across the river.

他蹚过那条小河。He waded across the stream.

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她跳着舞横穿过了房间。She danced across the room.

这条河宽一英里。The river is a mile across.

他们抄近路穿过田野。They cut across the fields.