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我们进展艰难。We progressed well uphill.

他们试图引水上山。They try to conduct water uphill.

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这是在检验一场硬战。This was proving an uphill battle.

这条路是否一直蜿蜒而上?DOES the road wind uphill all the way?

这条路以陡峭的坡度向山上延伸。The road stretches uphill at a steep slope.

学骑自行车是件难事。It's uphill work learning to ride a bicycle.

当你开着汽车爬坡时,你必须换成低速挡。You have to change down when you drive uphill.

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当你走的路看起来全部是上坡路时。When the road you're trudging seems all uphill.

自打我看到那张脑电图之后,我的生活就如爬坡上坎似的变得艰难起来。Since I saw that scan, my life has been an uphill crawl.

不管你从哪条路线行军,都是上坡路。No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill.

他将面对与奥巴马或者希拉里的升级选战。He faces an uphill battle against either Obama or Clinton.

在上坡上脸朝下躺着,头部朝向山顶。Lying face down on the hillside, his head pointing uphill.

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横板上升是穿着雪板上坡的一种方法。Side-stepping is one way of moving uphill with your Skis on.

不过打这样一场攻坚战其实是在浪费宝贵的时间。But it's a waste of precious time to fight that uphill battle.

把非洲语言弄到互联网上可是“打硬仗”。It's an uphill battle to bring African languages onto the Internet.

成都站夺冠后,长安福特车队在鄂尔多斯将面临更大的挑战。The team is facing an uphill battle in Ordos after the Chengdu win.

火跟人不一样,它通常山上比下山快。Unlike humans, fires usually travel uphill much faster than downhill.

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实现各国共同发展,依然任重而道远。Achieving common development for all countries remains an uphill battle.

越野滑雪赛道由平道、上坡道和下坡道组成。The cross-country course consists of flat, uphill and downhill sections.

那是一个错误的决定,因为不单止天气炎热,又全是上山路。That was a mistake because it was uphill all the way in very hot weather.