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你们能以浅显的英语说明问题吗?Could you paraphrase your question in laymen's English?

所以我们要改写论点来完成这些测试。So we had to paraphrase arguments to complete these tests.

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按照罗恩那句话来理解,我就是这五个人的平均,或者说相似的同类。To paraphrase Rohn’s quote, I am the average of these five.

把这篇古文译成白话文。Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in colloquialism language.

他要的是解释,用释意的方式来解释。He wants explanation, and the form of explanation is paraphrase.

请允许我将他的评论整理出来,因为我觉得它们都讲到了点子上。Allow me to paraphrase his comments because I think they are spot on

勒柯布西耶的话,苹果是你想住进去的一台机器。To paraphrase Le Corbusier, the Mac was a machine you wanted to live in.

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释意和等效构成指导口译的基本理论。Paraphrase and equivalence constitute the basic theory for interpretation.

但尤金彼得森的上述解释抓住了主耶稣的教导核心。But Eugene Peterson's paraphrase above captures the spirit of Jesus' teaching.

林肯的话,与亚撒利雅对犹大王亚撒说的话不谋而合。Lincoln's words paraphrase the thoughts Azariah expressed to King Asa of Judah.

坦尼森说过类似的话,在某一时刻,你就会发现你已经成名了。At some point you discover that you have, to paraphrase Tennyson, become a name.

复述研究的对象主要是短语或者句子的同义现象。The study of paraphrase is about the synonymy phenomena of phrases or sentences.

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以下是我今天发给艾森豪威将军一封电报的大意。The following is a paraphrase of a cable I have today sent to General Eisenhower.

但斯莱特先生这句话的意思是说,现金最终必须兑换成其他的东西。But to paraphrase Mr Slater, cash must eventually be turned into these other things.

借用乐购的标语,似乎正是涓流成河,积少成多。To paraphrase Tesco's slogan, it seems that every little scrap of information helps.

第三,释义所用词语词义应尽可能是词典所收词语词义。Thirdly, the work and acceptation using in paraphrase should be embodied in dictionary.

套用传道书的说法,做一个伤痕累累但活着的狗要好过变成一只死去的狮子。To paraphrase Ecclesiastes, better to be a scarred and living dog than to be a dead lion.

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它是说,在理解文章时,我们在试着给它释义,并掌握它。What it means is that in understanding a text, we are attempting to grasp it in paraphrase.

就像威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩说的那样,我们不能把我们的经济钉在橡胶十字架上。To paraphrase William Jennings Bryan, we must not crucify our economies upon a cross of rubber.

套用电影的一系列字母海报,以及“'c'就罗琳是-勇敢的小女孩。To paraphrase the film's series of alphabet posters, "'C' is for Coraline – brave little girl."