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琦琦这个名字很好听。Chichi is a nice name.

我的鹦鹉叫琦琦。My parrot’s name is Chichi.

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这就是个很好的例子。So this is kind of a nice chichi.

但是吉吉却感觉到了危险的存在。But ChiChi had sensed danger nonetheless.

这只鹦鹉应该有个名字。叫琦琦怎么样?This parrot should have a name. How about Chichi?

“他知道有麻烦了,”玛丽·雷恩抱着吉吉说道"He knew there was trouble, " says Mary Lane, holding ChiChi.

他们代表哪个字母呢?So now, a little chichi up top, they are representing the letter?

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后面我们会有人,专门告诉大家如何去做。On the back, they have a little chichi that tells them what to do.

吉吉像往常一样,躺在他小沙滩椅里的小毯子上。As usual, ChiChi was lying on his blanket in his own little beach chair.

瞧,我们四个人和奇奇正坐在热气球的篮子里。See the four of us and Chichi sitting in the basket of the hot-air balloon.

吉吉在他的椅子前面来来回回地跑,奋力拉扯皮带,似乎想跑下海滩。ChiChi ran back and forth in front of his chair, straining at his leash as if to run down the beach.

他相逢了公司新人琪琪,开端了两人的地下爱情,外表上宁静的办公室却暗潮涌动。He met the new company, the two people start chichi underground love, appearance of quiet but surge of AnChao office.

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在山坡上等著琪琪的是,阿淳!琪琪心想,「趟旅行没有比这更棒的结束了!Following the balloon, Chichi found Chuen waiting for her on the hill! " There is no better end to this trip! " Chichi thought!

两个老妇人被救上岸,雷恩夫妇躺回毯子上的时候,吉吉算是完成了他的任务,回到自己的椅子上睡觉了。Duty done, ChiChi was back in his chair, asleep, by the time the two women were on dry ground and the Lanes had returned to their blankets.

琪琪在遇到一位神秘的老妇之后,也面临了她一生中最大的麻烦。与此同时,牛魔王也正试图从越烧越旺,即将吞噬他整个城堡的烈焰中逃生!ChiChi is faced with the biggest mess of her life when she meets a mysterious old woman, while the Ox King tries to flee the raging fires that threaten to destroy his castle!

发现连芭蕉扇也无法替牛魔王扑灭肆虐的大火之后,悟空和琪琪又出发去寻找魔力熔炉,相信它将是平息这要命的烈焰最后的希望。After the Basho fan fails to put out the fire threatening the Ox King, Goku and ChiChi set out to find the Magical Furnace, believed to be the last hope for extinguishing the deadly blaze.