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是一种会冒泡的综合维他命。It's an effervescent multivitamin.

我的农产经理浑身是劲。I got an effervescent produce manager.

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她迷人而又充满活力,她的嗓音动人甜美。She is attractive, effervescent and has an appealing voice.

第一次冒泡不知道对大家有没有帮住?Is first time effervescent do not know to be helped to everybody?

目的维生素C泡腾片的处方筛选。Objective To select formulation for vitamin C effervescent tablets.

对阿司匹林加维生素C泡腾片的处方及制备工艺进行了研究。The formula of aspirin plus vitamin C effervescent tablets was examined.

然而在三藩市看起来很可怕的事物在欢腾的北京看来则是很正常的。Yet what seems awful in San Bernardino is the norm in effervescent Beijing.

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目的研究口气清新泡腾片的成型工艺。Objective To study preparation technology of Fresh breath effervescent tablets.

目的对甜叶菊泡腾片制备工艺进行研究。Objective To study of preparation technology of Stevia rebaudian effervescent tablets.

目的研究复合维生素B泡腾片的制备工艺。Objective To study the preparation procedure of compound vitamins B effervescent tablets.

有时,音符会离开纸页,变得越来越快,甚至飞舞。Sometimes the notes would dance off the page becoming faster and faster and more effervescent.

是“热情洋溢”的韦利,“循规蹈矩”的塞登斯蒂克还是“温文尔雅”的泰勒---今晚,你会选择谁与你一道“同床共枕”?Effervescent Waley, prim Seidensticker or suave Tyler—who will you take to bed with you tonight?

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很多瓦线生产面临的普遍问题是在加工特殊面纸时遇到的起泡和分层问题。A dodowa line production generally issue encountered special paper effervescent and hierarchical.

有一些关于这些有趣的、迷人、泡腾女人,可展现出最好的他。There is something about these funny, charming, effervescent women that brings out the best in him.

本发明的农用泡腾颗粒包括酸源、碳酸盐源和表面活性剂。The agricultural effervescent granule comprises an acid source, a carbonate source and a surfactant.

首当其冲那种呼之欲出的甜美夹杂着浓重的树脂辛辣气味是令人难以忘怀的。The first rush of effervescent sweetness paired with the dark balsamic spiciness is quite memorable.

在我们这个充满暴力、不和谐的沸腾宇宙中,现实看上去比小说更离奇。In our violent, discordant, and effervescent universe, reality always seems to be stranger than fiction.

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沸腾钢线材化学杂质成分及使其显示的显微照像法。Macrographic method of showing and describing the chemical heterogeneity of effervescent steel wire rod.

本周在圣弗朗西斯科的新闻发布会上,史蒂夫鲍尔默仍然是他那兴奋的老样子。STEVE BALLMER was his usual effervescent self on stage at a press conference in San Francisco this week.

他的性格很好,只有很少的球员能带给你那样的热情。He is a very effervescent character and only certain players can give you that kind of enthusiasm that he has.