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底妆更亚光,但不厚重。Bottom makeup more inferior smooth, but not massiness.

可手指就不同了。它不会随时随地都那么绵软、厚重。But finger is different. It won't at any time and place so soft, massiness.

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这套座椅工料精良,色泽韭深,厚重典雅,可谓精美绝伦。The set of chairs and tables are of good material, leek color, massiness and elegance.

银灰在质朴中显出厚重,使人恢复平和的心态。Silver grey is in plain in show massiness , make the person restores gentle state of mind.

轻盈,轻薄,无厚重感,收缩毛孔,有效遮盖肌肤瑕疵。Lightsome, frivolous, without massiness feeling, contractive pore, flaw of effective cover skin.

电视墙运用石材深浅纹理搭配,追求大方和厚重的现代客厅。TV wall using stone texture depth is tie-in, pursuit of massiness generous and contemporary sitting room.

干燥的蚕沙呈小圆柱型颗粒,坚实,均匀,色黑或墨绿。The dried silkworm feces is presented a small columned granule of massiness and uniformity which is black or blackish green.

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云石材质的吊灯外形古朴,赋予灯光一种厚重的安宁。The droplight appearance of primitive simplicity with marble qualitative material, gift lamplight of a kind of massiness quiet.

在明式家具中,铁力木家具以其厚重拙朴的风格表现着自己。In bright type furniture, ferreous mesua furniture is behaving him with the style of Chinese hackberrya of its massiness clumsy.

我们建议夏季只选用一种打底产品即可,不必重复叠加,会显得底妆厚重。We suggest the summer chooses product of a kind of render only can, need not repeat overlay, can appear bottom makeup massiness.

如果说,大西北的沧桑、厚重,是一幅宏图巨画,那塬,就是这幅画上的苍劲一笔。If the vicissitude and the massiness are the great representation of northwest China, then the plateau is a strong stroke of this painting.

适量的保水剂可以适当地提高土壤的坚实度,但保水剂的用量过高时则会造成土壤板结。Suitable dosage of water-holding agent could properly elevate massiness coefficient of soil, but excessive dosage could cause harden of soil.

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而辅之以冰冷的镜片、玻璃打破了厚重感,整体色调清新自然,极具现代感。And complementary broke massiness feeling with frozen lens, glass, whole is tonal and pure and fresh natural, have contemporary feeling extremely.

比如,古典风格家具最好搭配厚重一些、暗一些的复合色,与历史氛围相协调。For instance, classicism furniture had better match massiness a few, a few darker compound look, as harmonious as historical atmosphere photograph.

我已经体会了你默默守侯的背后那份厚重的内心,殷切盼望里的焦灼,等待的心被风吹冻的那份无奈。I've realized you silently waiting behind that copy of massiness inside, anxious, waiting for the energy of heart by the wind cold share of the helpless.

室内的装饰性陈设还有屏风、瓷器、古董等,装饰效果很好,也体现了中国民俗及传统文化的厚重和博大精深。Indoor decorative display and screen, porcelain, antique, adornment effect is good, also reflected the China folk and traditional culture massiness and broad and profound.

经典法式风格家具,设计洗练且线条美丽,并无想像中古典家具给人的厚重感觉。Furniture of classical method style, the design washs practice and line is beautiful, do not have the massiness that in envisaging , classic furniture gives a person to feel.

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材质的虚实对比,稳重的比例尺度,突显建筑的质朴与厚重,给人以雄伟庄严、气派豪迈之感。Hollow and solid materials comparison and stable proportional scales highlight the architectural rusticity and massiness with the grand, stately, impressive and bold feeling.

传统的制陶工艺改造后制成古朴、厚重的洗手盆,让人感受到田园生活的浪漫与自然。The lavabo of of primitive simplicity, massiness is made after the conventional technology that make a surname is transformed, let a person experience pastoral romance and nature.

厚重的金属微粒、夸张大胆的剪裁、多线条的性感丝毫不影响身材的展示,顶级泳装品牌又带来一场夏季风暴。The sexy a bit of exaggerative and the metallic particle of massiness , bold clipping, much line does not affect a figure reveal, brand of top class swimsuit brings storm of a summer again.