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媒体规模大并不一定是坏事。Largeness as such is not bad.

一普通和大之的母亲。A ordinary and largeness mother.

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可望见想象无穷的天堂。What largeness thinks in Paradise was sawn.

大,不仅仅是规模,更需要体现在核心竞争力上。Largeness refers to core competition power more than scale.

我们必须体会,福音是多麽广大,多麽完整。We must come away with the wholeness or largeness of the gospel.

似乎在分享着约翰·桑德的仁慈与宽容。They seemed to share the kindliness and largeness of John Thornton.

这需要有非藏宽大的胸襟才行。TO know, to understand, to love the process need largeness of heart.

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如果你的朋友不小心犯了错误,你应该要有博大的胸怀。If your friend makes a mistake accidentally, you should have largeness of mind.

她缺少马丁那样广阔的心胸,不能超越自己环境。She lacked the easy largeness of Martin and could not rise superior to her environment.

这就是我每天投入热情与青春认真工作与服务的公司么?Is this company I hardly work for everyday?When this largeness earthquake occurred in my nation.

宽阔广博的精神力量,就像世间各种各样实在的美好事物一般是存在于生命虚空中更强有力的东西。There’s something stronger in the air—a largeness of spirit, as well as abundant physical beauty.

同郭象一样,王夫之也忽视了庄子的「小大之辨」。Also, like Guo Xiang, Wang ignored the importance of the E distinction between largeness and smallness1.

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深爱着林振海的佳代子,决议牺牲本人,保全爱人。Love deeply LinZhenHai largeness of generation son, the resolution sacrifice himself, preservation lover.

阐述分析了我国制盐企业在当前经济结构调整过程中容易走入求新、求大、攀高的误区。Enterprises of salt industry easily lead to the mistakes for innovation for largeness and height in adjusting.

神赐给所罗门a智慧、极大的聪明、和宽广的心,如同海边的沙那样不可测量。And God gave Solomon wisdom and very much understanding and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore.

神赐给所罗门极大的智慧聪明和广大的心,如同海沙不可测量。And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.

在我看来,伟大不仅仅指单个物体大量呈现,而是指全景的恢弘感,是被作为一个整体来考虑的。By greatness, I do not only mean the bulk of any single object, but the largeness of a whole view, considered as one entire piece.

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如果你面对汹涌的波涛,不必惧怕,更不用自认渺小。一旦你有了博大的胸怀,你的人生将会像大海一样壮阔。If you are faced with turbulent waves do not be frightened nor feel small. Once you have largeness of mind, your life will become as vast as the sea.

法治视野下的行政决策主要是重大行政决策,重大的标准可以通过实体和程序两方面确认。Executive decisions under the view of law mainly are major executive decisions, and its standards of largeness can be confirmed by entities and procedures.

在哪里打开了我的包,他们非常吃惊于我的宝石如此之大,并且承认他们从没有见过任何这种尺寸和完美的。and there having opened my bag, they were surprised at the largeness of my diamonds, and confessed that they had never seen any of such size and perfection.