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四2输入与非门施密特触发器输入。Quad 2-input NAND gate with schmitt trigger inputs.

多电子原子中,原子轨道的能级取决于主量子数n和角量子数l。For many-electron atom, the orbital energies depend on both nand l.

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新的读出模式为了闪存芯片位错误有大的计算。"Readout" mode for NAND memory chips which have a huge count of bit errors.

E3的闪光是一个特殊的装置,以帮助您计划NAND和NOR闪存的数据。E3 flasher is a special device to help you programme NAND and NOR flash data.

四2输入与施密特触发器输入与非门。高性能硅栅CMOS。Quad 2-input NAND gate with schmitt-trigger inputs. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

Harari表示,他预期NAND供需状况在2010年会保持合理的平衡.Harari said he expects NAND supply and demand to be in "reasonably" good balance in 2010.

Intel与镁光目前正在努力试图重新在NAND闪存制程争夺战中占据领先地位。Intel and Micron are also seeking to regain the lead in the NAND process technology race.

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NAND闪存今年取得不错的行业进展,也是存储产品行业唯一实现增长的市场。NAND is a great growth industry this year, and it's also a secular growth market in memory.

NAND市场尽管需求持续增加,却一直在饱受价格下跌和产能过剩的折磨。The NAND market has been reeling under falling prices and oversupply despite increasing demand.

分析师亦多指出,三星电子一直苦于NAND型快闪记忆体价格持续重挫.Analysts also noted Samsung has been struggling with steep price drops in NAND flash memory chips.

作为世界上最大的NAND闪存芯片提供商,提高现阶段较少的固态硬盘出货量并不成问题。Samsung is the world’s largest NAND flash maker, so it is capable of increasing SSD volumes, Unsworth said.

不过闪存业务方面,东芝的战略则没有任何变化,他们仍将继续保留其名下的NAND闪存芯片厂。Toshiba will continue to keep and maintain its NAND flash fabs. There appears to be no change on that front.

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19世纪末,卫生和污染问题在美国的食品生产和加工行业非常普遍。Sanitation nand contamination issues permeated the food manufacturing and processing U. S. in the late-19th century.

引导加载程序在执行前需要一些代码从NAND加载剩余的引导加载程序代码。The bootloader then needs to have some code to load the remaining bootloader code from NAND before executing itself.

按收入计算,三星和东芝是世界上最大的两家NAND闪存供应商,它们可能是iPad的供应商。Samsung and Toshiba are the world's two biggest NAND flash suppliers by revenue, and are likely to be iPad suppliers.

固态硬盘的降价有利于市场上更快的接受其产品,且对于放缓的NAND闪存市场也起到了稳定作用。A drop in prices could also improve adoption of SSDs and stabilize a slowing NAND flash market, Samsung’s Elliott said.

其中包括倒相器与非门、或非门、变形反相器和T门共五种基本电路。It consists of five types of fundamental circuits including inverter, NAND gate, NOR gate, ternary inverter and T-gate.

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尽管展示每个NAND串中包含四个元件,但可使用四个以上或四个以下存储器元件。Although four elements are shown to be included in each NAND string, more or less than four memory elements can be used.

是的,例如,工人要在烟草种植后的45到80天之间手工采摘叶子,然后分成不同等级。Yes, for example, they nand pick the leaves between 45 and 80 days after planting and then sort them into different grades.

iPad使用的NAND闪存,比传统台式机和笔记本配备的硬盘更小巧且耗能更低。The iPad uses NAND flash memory, which is smaller and uses less power than the hard drives commonly used in laptops and desktops.