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世卫组织经得起这一审查。WHO can withstand this scrutiny.

这些墙能顶得住强风。The walls can withstand high winds.

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它们的个头高得直顶着屋顶。They head straight withstand high roof.

热得要命,我受不了。I could n't withstand the murderous heat.

具有良好的耐低温性能。Good withstand low temperature capability.

男人,易承受不住幸福的考验。Man, easy to withstand the test of happiness.

没有什么可以在它的鱼雷前挺很久。Nothing can withstand their torpedos for long.

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我无法忍受凶光闪闪的刀。I couldn't withstand a murderous-looking knife.

孩子用的家具必须经得起拳打脚踢。Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.

包装必须经得起野蛮搬运。The packing must be able to withstand rough handling.

这条船造得很坚固。它能顶得住任何风暴的袭击。The solid ship can withstand the attack of any storm.

读者也仿佛在经受情感的历险。They also seemed to withstand an emotional adventure.

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这种衣料能经得住反复洗涤。This dress material will withstand repeated washings.

也意味着从里向外阻止爆炸。It's also meant to withstand an explosion from inside.

使用可以抵住泪水的防水眼线笔。Use a water-resistant eyeliner that can withstand tears.

永远禁不起等待,也禁不起伤害。Forever inability to wait, it can not withstand injuries.

型框架式塔架设计中考虑塔架能够经受地震力的作用。A-form pylons are designed to withstand earthquake forces.

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作为一名政治家,他经得住公众批评。As a politician, he is able to withstand public criticism.

第二,美国企业可以平稳地抵住紧缩。Second, U.S. businesses are poised to withstand contraction.

⊙、生活只有经得起平静,方才能显淡泊宁静的真实。Life only withstand calm, can show the true of those quieter.