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你肚子痛吗?Do you have any stomachache?

但是马上我开始肚子痛。But soon I had a stomachache.

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你胃痛,需要一些体息。Do you often have stomachache?

结果它肚子痛了一个晚上。That night, he had a stomachache.

是的,我胃疼得厉害。Yes, I have a terrible stomachache.

这种药治好了我的胃疼。The medicine cured me of my stomachache.

恶心,痢疾,便秘,肚子痛nausea, diarrhea, constipation, stomachache

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父亲为我治疗一般的胃痛。Father doctored me for ordinary stomachache.

我头疼,她胃疼。I have a headache,and she has a stomachache.

那个酸辣汤害我肚子好痛。That spicy soup gave me a terrible stomachache.

这种草药汤对你的腹痛有特效。The herb soup is specific for your stomachache.

你胃痛,需要一些体息。You need some rest since you have a stomachache.

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这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。The medicine did his stomachache a power of good.

你胃痛最好去看医生。You'd better see a doctor about that stomachache.

他因为吃得太多而导致胃痛。He has a very bad stomachache from eating too much.

她呆在家里因为他胃疼得很厉害。He stayed home because he had a serious stomachache.

又或者在吃饭的时候,你觉得有点肚子疼。Or maybe during the meal, you are feeling a stomachache

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我胃疼,因为我昨天吃了未熟的桃子。I have a stomachache because I ate a green peach yesterday.

病人服药后腹痛遂止。The patient's stomachache stopped after he took the medicine.

他的胃痛因喝酒过多而恶化了。His stomachache has disimproved greatly from too much drinking.