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威尔伯猝不及防的一击,使他成为新拳击冠军。It was a quick kayo, and Wilbur was the new champ.

“冠军”朝赛场最后一排的一名男子发射了一件T恤。Champ launches a T-shirt to a man in the last row of the arena.

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这局我们赢了,比赛就此结束,我们是冠军。We had our winning run, the game was over, and we were the champ.

CHAMP地面跟踪站,重力场,大气,GPS掩星。CHAMP tracking station, gravity field, atmosphere, GPS occultation.

根据这篇文章所言,前拳王又出山了。According to this article, the former boxing champ is going to try again.

肯尼迪参议员的演讲是其中最好的,非常鼓舞人心,麦戈文的演讲也不错。Senator Kennedy was a champ and gave a rousing speech. McGovern’s was good, too.

29岁的李娜在抢七局中击败卫冕冠军意大利选手斯齐亚沃尼。The 29-year-old beat defending champ Francesca Schiavone of Italy in a tiebreak.

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29岁的李娜在抢七局中击败卫冕冠军意大利选手斯齐亚沃尼。The 29-year-old beat defending champ Francesca Schiavone of Italy in a tiebreak5.

现在,每一个冠军可靠地开始争吵,现在是时候解决新波罗元。Now that every champ reliably starts brawls, it's time to settle the new poro meta.

手冢实际上是漂流像王一整天的时间,所以很高兴看到他的进步。Tezuka was in fact drifting like a champ all day, so it was good to see him advance.

三次世界冠军罗马尼亚选手玛丽安-德勒古列斯库在做他的第二个串时摔倒。Three-time world champ Marian Dragulescu of Romania fell on his second tumbling pass.

另外这条巨型黄貂鱼可能将被确认为“巨鱼项目”的重量级冠军。And it may confirm the giant stingray as the heavyweight champ of the Megafishes Project.

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这位23岁的艺人荣获最差着装奖,她穿着一袭黑色鸟笼式蓬蓬裙,还顶着一头高可及天的假发。The 23-year-old worst-dressed champ donned a black caged ball gown and a sky-high wig creation.

狂热背后,浮现出两家风投的影子,它们都希望自己的投资的创业企业能在冷冻酸奶业独占鳌头。Behind the passion are two venture capital firms eager to crown their start-up the "fro-yo" champ.

最近,盂兰盆伊夫涵盖从某处新布法罗歌曲“冠军的情感”,任何地方。" More recently, Bon Iver covered the New Buffalo song "Emotional Champ" from Somewhere, anywhere.

2007年8月8日,邦兹在旧金山迎来了其职业生涯中的第756支本垒打,成为绝无仅有的冠军。On Aug. 8, 2007, Bonds hit his 756th career home run in San Francisco, becoming the all-time champ.

是的,这也解释了为什么像萨姆.布拉德福德这样的四分卫新秀比超级碗冠军德鲁.布雷斯赚的钱更多。That explains why a rookie quarterback like Sam Bradford makes more money than Super Bowl champ Drew Brees.

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安妮拿出了彩笔,她画了个又大又黄的向日葵,然后把画贴在了卧室门上。First, Annie champ out of her school clothes. She looked at the Mower picture on her bedroom door. And she sighed.

第二轮美国公开赛冠军,英国的沃森可能与沃兹尼亚奇短兵相接。U.S. Open junior champ Heather Watson of Great Britain has a wild card and might see Wozniacki in the second round.

它们还是从2000年马刺队以来首次首轮被淘汰的卫冕冠军。They were also the first defending champ to lose a first-round series since the Spurs were topped by the Suns in2000.