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他的脚后跟起了泡。He had a blistered heel.

然后下一步你再足跟引导。Then you step Heel Lead.

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你是跟屁虫吗?Are you heel fart an insect?

这种鞋子的后跟是拼装式的。This shoe has a built-up heel.

她的狗汪地叫了一声,紧跟了上来。Her dog yelped and came to heel.

皮革外底用橡胶鞋跟。Leather outsole with rubber heel.

她把鞋后跟戳进地里。She dug her heel into the ground.

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在鞋跟拉片,方便上下车。Heel pull tab for easy on and off.

她的唯一缺陷是身材太高。Her Achills' heel is her tallness.

她唯一的缺陷就是身材太高。Her Achilles' heel is her tallness.

外出所著平而无跟的鞋子。Women's shoes that contain no heel.

耐磨鞋头和鞋跟。Abrasion resistant toe cap and heel.

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我将学习足跟和学习保佑。I will learn heel and learn to bless.

北卡罗莱纳则被称为“焦油脚后根之州”。North Carolina is the Tar Heel State.

然后慢慢将你的脚踵落地。Slowly lower your heel to the ground.

这就是最适合你的鞋跟高度。This is the right heel height for you.

我的短袜后跟上有个洞。There is a hole in the heel to my sock.

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你脚后跟的哪一部分触地的?Where would your heel touch the ground?

缺乏自信是他的致命弱点。Lack of confidence is his Achille's heel.

女鞋的跟也许会高或矮。In girls shoes, the heel can be high or low.