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使用有趣的表情符号。Use fun status & emoticons.

支持图片表情。Support for graphic emoticons.

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没有人真的喜欢表情符号。No one really likes emoticons and smileys.

富文本、时间戳、拼写检查和表情图标Rich text, time stamps, spell check, and emoticons

没有人真的喜欢表情符号和微笑符。请相信这一点。No one really likes emoticons and smileys. Trust us on this one.

多少人喜欢使用传统方式或图标来表示情绪?How many people opt for traditional emoticons versus graphic ones?

它们几乎就是一封浪漫的调情短信,但是更简短、更煽情。Almost like a romantic old love-letter, but shorter and with more emoticons.

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图释和个性签名现在已经成为我们交流的一个主要部分。Emoticons and personalized signatures are now an integral part of our communication.

只有在你跟对方很熟的情况才使用玩笑注释和表情。Use tongue-in-cheek comments and emoticons only if you know the recipient really well.

微信可以免费使用,但是对表情符等产品以及特殊功能收费。WeChat is free to use, but charges for products such as emoticons and special features in games.

微博在图片功能里也提供了搞笑图片,其作用与表情符号极其相似。There are also fun images provided by Weibo in image feature, which also pretty much serves like emoticons.

我们通过半双语的Skype聊天和不拘的交换心型表情符保持联系。We'd maintained our relationship through semi-bilingual Skype conversations and liberal exchanges of heart-shaped emoticons.

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免费绘文字还配备了数百个额外的表情符号,你可以分享你的朋友的短信和电子邮件。Emoji Free ALSO comes with hundreds of additional emoticons that you can share with your friends over text messages and emails.

Iminent——一个在即时通讯软件中添加了视频及有趣的表情的网站,在今天,为MySpace、hi5、Piczo和其他网站,推出了一款插件。Iminent, the IM client that adds video and fun emoticons to IM, is launching a widget today for MySpace, hi5, Piczo and the rest.

如果你带来了可能情感化的话题,考虑使用电话或者会议来代替电子邮件。And emoticons can only go so far.If you have a possibly emotional issue to bring up consider using the phone or meeting face to face instead.

此部分允许用户自定义系统外观。可以改变的项如组件风格,颜色,字体和字符图释。This section allows the user to customize how their system appears. One can change items such as the widget style, colors, fonts and emoticons.

一个表情图片制作工具,可以制作静态和动态表情,主要是不影响质量缩小图片和取图。The Emoticon Maker is a free program that lets you make your own emoticons and smileys from pictures. You can use it to create custom and unique emoticons.

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网络表情符号在青少年族群中的流行和传播,深刻反映出文化变迁、社会区分和社会整合等多方面内容。The spread of network emoticons within teenager groups reflects a profound cultural change, social distinction and social integration of content and so on.

和小薇一样,许多年轻人发现使用火星文,各种复杂的表情符号以及怪异的来电铃声这种在职场中并不受欢迎。Like Xiao Wei, many youngsters find that their use of trendy online slang, elaborate emoticons and wacky cell phone ring tones may not be appreciated in the workplace.

没过多久,该国最大的微博——新浪微博上数以百计的用户就发表了习的评论,评论的旁边是一个笑脸和拇指向下的表情。Before long, hundreds of users on Sina Weibo, the country's top microblog, had posted Xi's comment aside emoticons of laughing smiley faces and downward-pointing thumbs.