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是那样,那名狱卒承认道。It was, the jailer conceded.

本人越过铁栅看着狱卒。I looked through the bars at my jailer.

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她把自己的银镜子给了狱卒。So she gives the jailer her silver mirror.

狱吏纵容犯人的逃狱。The jailer connived at the escape from prison.

所发生的事情,向看守那一套卡尔了吗?What happened to the jailer that set Cahill up?

傍晚时分,狱卒来了,唐太斯已上了床。The jailer came in the evening. Dantès was on his bed.

关在牢里,还要劝牢头造反。Even though in the prison, he tried to persuade the jailer to rebel!

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监狱看守员将因偷车而被抓的那人关了起来。The jailer took into custody the man who was arrested for stealing a car.

我朝铁栅往外径直看向看押我的狱卒,但他没注意到我在看他。I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me.

在禁卒睡著的时候,有两个囚犯在唱圣诗。The jailer had fallen asleep while a couple of prisoners were singing hymns.

他带走了几个下属,看管唐太斯的狱卒也在其中。He took with him several of his subordinates, and amongst them Dantès' jailer.

想像一下,之后禁卒与他从前的犯人进行午夜庆筵吧!Imagine the party later when the jailer and his former prisoners had a midnight meal.

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这位禁卒和他的家人「因为信了神,都很喜乐!」The jailer "was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God-he and his whole family"!

在瓦伦廷被监禁的日子里,他爱上了狱卒失明的女儿。During the days that Valentine was imprisoned, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer.

瓦伦丁在被囚禁的日子里,与监狱长那盲眼的女儿相爱了。During the days when Valentine was imprisoned, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer.

当夜,狱卒和他的全家都信主且受了洗,而这一切都起因于一场地震。That night the jailer and his family believed and were baptized. And it all started with an earthquake.

在这千钧一发的瞬间,禁卒知道那两名唱歌的囚犯拥有一些他没有的东西。In that moment of crisis, the jailer realized that those two singing prisoners had something he didn't have.

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最后,我能放下所有缠绕我的痛苦和折磨,并意识到我一直是自己的囚徒。Finally I was able to let go of all the pain and torment that had held me captive, realizing that I’d been my own jailer.

有一天,王后发觉狱卒似乎被她美色所迷,就致力讨好这狱卒,终于获许见丈夫。One day, the queen noticed that the jailer appeared captivated by her beauty, and she soothed him so far as to be allowed access to her husband.

闻道让狱卒帮自己拿来开水和刮骨用的工具,下手为他刮骨时,杨秀疼痛难忍,大喊出声。Smell that lets the jailer to boiling water and scraping the bone to help themselves with tools, to he was scraping the bone, Yang Xiu pain, shout.