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全世界有数以百万计说过“我愿意”的新人有血缘关系。So have millions worldwide.

她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。Her worldwide fame is his support.

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但他们还在世界各地活跃着。But they are still active worldwide.

这酒在世界上享有盛名。The wine is in high repute worldwide.

玉米青枯病乃世界性病害。Stem rot of corn is worldwide disease.

“壶穴”景观闻名天下。The Pot Hole Sight is famous worldwide.

她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。Her worldwide fame is due to his support.

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今天利瓦伊牌的牛仔服行销全球。Today the Levi´s brand is sold worldwide.

2000年,全世界有3.61亿用户。In 2000, there were 361 million worldwide.

很多遗传变异是全球性的。Most genetic variation is shared worldwide.

植原体病害是世界性病害。Phytoplasmal disease is a worldwide disease.

他们建立了一个世界范围的情报网。They set up a worldwide intelligence network.

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喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking.

你可以在这里看看全球的统计资料。You can look at the worldwide statistics here.

IE6全球用户正在稳定减少中。IE6 is steadily diminishing in usage worldwide.

黑莓手机在全球有4600万用户。BlackBerry has forty-six million users worldwide.

NBC环球影业将对负责该影片的全球发行。NBC Universal will distribute the film worldwide.

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爱尔的目标是要开发国际市场。Ayre clearly aims to exploit the worldwide market.

它也有内建的世界范围的联合模型。It also has a built-in worldwide federation model.

比如疟疾,波及全球,患者众多Malaria is one that causes much disease worldwide.