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好吃好吃,我爱早饭。Yami yami , I love breakfast.

嗯,你用达悟语说说你的名字看看?Can you say your name in Yami ?

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你妈妈的达悟名字是什麽?What is your mother's Yami name?

达悟语怎麽说你知道吗?Do you know how to say it in Yami ?

我们是兰屿的达悟人。We are the Yami people of Orchid Island.

牛奶和脆玉米片,蛋卷和香肠,好吃好吃。Milk and cornflakes, rolls and sausages, yami yami.

丁字裤是兰屿雅美男人的传统服装。Tingtzu loincloths are traditional garb for Yami males on Orchid Island.

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雅美语将这种丰富的烹饪与鱼类文化知识代代相传。The Yami language transmits this rich culinary and cultural knowledge of fish.

这样,雅美与东南亚贸易合作将迈上新的台阶。In this way, Yami and trade cooperation with Southeast Asia will be a new height.

在山地同胞诗歌朗诵会上,雅美族诗人夏曼.蓝波安用风平浪静的雅美语朗诵自己的诗。Yami poet recites a poem of his in his native language at an aborigine poetry reading.

本报告中亦包括与兰屿学童调查结果之比较。Comparisons with our previous studies on the Yami children were included in the present report.

副总统埃利亚斯·豪亚·米拉诺说,查韦斯将“长期活跃”在政坛上。Howard Elias, Vice President Yami Serrano said Chavez will be "long-term active" in the political arena.

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安装了国内最先进的胚芽米生产设备,胚芽米年加工能力达1万吨。Installed the most advanced production equipment Pei Yami, Pei Yami annual processing capacity of 1 million tons.

在计划实施前后,幷分别做了营养调查,以评估增补的效果。Clinical and dietary examinations were performed in order to evaluate the changes of nutritional status of the Yami children.

雅美坚建材有限公司是集科研、生产和施工于一体的专业地坪企业,其前身为雅美装饰。Yami Kennedy Building Materials Co. , Ltd. is scientific research, production and construction in a body specialized Floor enterprises, formerly Yami decoration.