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他收回自己所有的农场。He repossessed himself of his farm.

她的车处在被回收的边缘。Her vehicle is now on the verge of being repossessed.

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她付不出分期付款,所以他们把汽车收回去了。She couldn't meet the payments,so they repossessed the car.

美国的房屋收回率正在刷新记录,然后呢?America's houses are being repossessed at a record rate. What comes next?

在过去的三年里,有400多万个家庭的房屋被收回。More than four million homes have been repossessed in the past three years.

但事实上他们可能连一颗抵债车即出售。When in fact they probably don't even have one repossessed car that is for sale.

每10个抵押贷款者当中就有一个人欠款或是其住房已被债权人收回。One out of every 10 mortgage holders is in arrears or has had his or her home repossessed.

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如果您怀念您发放担保贷款的出于何种原因,你的家可以收回。If you miss your payments on a secured loan for whatever reason your home can be repossessed.

于是在把车卖到二手市场之前,他们只有去“烧”了它们,也有的是故意过度使用引擎来损坏车辆。So they went out and "burned" them before they were repossessed. They deliberately over-revved the engines to destroy them.

拥有财产的收回是一个极其痛苦的经历,并能产生不利影响今后的财务情况。Having a property repossessed is an extremely traumatic experience and can have negative effects on future financial circumstances.

该盾牌成为墙的一部分,直到持续时间结束或持用者取回它,同时星质墙将消散。The shield remains part of the wall until the duration elapses or until repossessed by the wearer, at which time the wall of ectoplasm dissipates.

分析师估计,目前市场上在售房屋在800至900万套,包括所谓的隐性库存--止赎房产和那些即将被银行没收的房产.Analysts estimate there are between 8 million and 9 million homes on the market, including the so-called shadow inventory -- foreclosed properties and those that are about to be repossessed by banks.