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这些气垫船能轻易超过大多数小船。These hovercrafts can easily outpace most boats.

但加元很可能会超过美元在今后几年。But the Loonie is likely to outpace the US dollar for years to come.

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我们的商业需求是持续提供可用的技术资源。The demands of our business consistently outpace available technology resources.

其增长超过中国较长一段时间已经不再是无法想象的事。It is no longer inconceivable that its growth could outpace China’s for a considerable time.

因此,我们能够帮助美国海军更经济的应对日益增长的水下作战威胁。As a result, we're able to help the Navy affordably outpace growing undersea warfare threats.

在那种条件下海水的腐蚀效果将会超过百慕大珊瑚礁的生长能力。The corrosive effects of water in those conditions would outpace Bermudan reefs' ability to grow.

预计本年度后半期世界原油需求将大于供应,其差额为2007年来之最。World oil demand is expected to outpace supplies later this year by the widest margin since 2007.

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奥迪曾表市,预计在2012年或2013年,中国将超过德国本土市场成为它的最大销售区域。Audi has said it expects China to outpace its German home turf as its largest sales region in 2012 or 2013.

他们或许是正确的,但这个全球变暖的故事有一种超过大多数试图预测它的发展路线的趋势。They could be right, but the global warming story has a tendency to outpace most attempts to predict its path.

但如果美国汽车市场继续下滑,这些公司现金的缺口可能超过它们削减成本的能力。But if the U.S. auto market continues to sink, the companies' cash drain could outpace their ability to cut costs.

卢载万预计,现代汽车明年的在华销售增速会放慢,但仍会快于中国汽车市场的总体增长速度。Mr. Noh expects sales to slow next year, but thinks the company can continue to outpace the market's overall rate.

但在70年代中期过后,中国产量开始超过印度,产量差距在最近这个十年达到最大。But after the mid-70s, China’s yield started to outpace India’s and the disparity is the highest in the most recent decade.

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不过铁矿石需求的增长仍高于供应的增长,因此近来他们开始预计价格上涨幅度还要大。But iron-ore demand has continued to outpace supply, and more recently the market had started to expect an even more sizable jump.

至少在短期内,这样的增产会使OPEC国家继续增产,同时也意味着2010年石油供给仍会大于需求。These increases, at least in the near term, reinforce OPEC trends and suggest that supply will continue to outpace demand in 2010.

现的全球经济减速可能会威胁美国多个地区,这些地区的增长速度曾超过美国勉力维持的复苏步伐。A looming global economic slowdown could threaten regions of the U.S. that have managed to outpace the country's sputtering recovery.

在不到一年的时间里,中国从污染大国转变为积极进取的清洁技术竞争者,承诺要超过美国。In less than a year, China went from a polluting megapower to an up-and-coming clean-tech contender that promises to outpace America.

但是,与此同时,我从了解自己能够游多远中获得了乐趣,也让我能够超过当初在海军军官学校附近慢跑的那个自己。But in the mean time, I’m having too much fun seeing how far I can swim, and making sure I outpace the old farts at the Naval Academy.

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如此来看,天然气中甲烷的温室效应可能快速超过煤炭燃烧产生二氧化碳对气候的影响。Figured that way, the climate effect of methane from natural gas would quickly outpace the climate effect of carbon dioxide from burning coal.

目前的一大问题在于,中国及中东的石油需求增长会在多大程度上继续抵销工业国家萎靡不振的影响。The big question now is to what extent oil-demand growth in China and the Middle East can continue to outpace the slump in the industrialized world.

事实上,它们可能出现在任何科学技术发展速度超过了社会有效管理这些变化的能力的国家中。Indeed, they can appear in any country where rapid scientific and technological advances outpace society's ability to regulate such changes effectively.