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带着毛皮手套的饱满的玫瑰花。Of bosomy rose with fur gloves on.

为什么小孩子的肚皮总是鼓鼓的呢?Why is the belly of dot always of bosomy strike?

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腹皮绷紧,鼓之空空者,虚也。Celiac skin take up, bosomy sky is empty person, empty also.

脊椎做完手术背部有鼓包怎么回事?Vertebral finish how does operation back have bosomy bag to return a responsibility?

希望能够通过这种方式来保护鼓浪屿上的老别墅。The hope can protect the old villa on island bosomy billow through this kind of means.

这个时候,仍然是“70后”和“80后”在捣鼓公司的事情。This moment, remain " 70 hind " and " 80 hind " in the issue that beats bosomy company.

但鼓鼓的小肚子是偶从懂得爱美以来最大的痛。But the little stomach of bosomy strike is occasionally from the biggest since knowing love beauty painful.

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先看地板砂光表面是否光滑,有无鼓凸颗粒,软木颗粒是否纯净。See a floor first arenaceous smooth surface is slick, have without grain bosomy protruding, cork grain is pure.

波霸诱惑是一个能够带来兴奋和刺激的游戏,拥有好运气才能欣赏丰满的美女哦!BabeMachine is a unique combination of an exciting game and tingling eroticism . Crack the jackpot and enjoy bosomy girls!

消协调查后发现地板“鼓包”是安装考虑不周惹的祸。Disappear coordinates the discovery after checking floor " bosomy bag " it is installation consideration not the disaster that cause.

有的吊灯还做成拨浪鼓外形,一排五六个串起来,鼓身可以360度旋转,这样的设计满足了任意调光的需要。Some droplight return form of make it rattle-drum, one 56 string come, bosomy body can rotate 360 degrees, such design satisfied random to move smooth need.

开完会后,我要尽快去国内外分公司看看,给联想的员工们鼓鼓劲儿。After attending a meeting, I should go as soon as possible domestic and international branch looks, give the employee that associate people bosomy strike is strong.

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鼓索神经有时位于外耳道前壁或平行越过前庭窗,这种变异给手术带来困难。The wall before nerve bosomy all alone is located in external auditory meatus sometimes or parallel cross vestibular window, this kind of mutation brings difficulty to the operation.

据晓,陕鼓企业正在与一家老美企业一同探讨开拓一类透平机器专用的润泽油。It is reported, bosomy group is in short for Shaanxi Province to consider to develop lubricant of appropriative of machinery of a kind of turbine jointly with company of an United States.