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那么,为什么人们关心Foursquare停机?So, why do people care about Foursquare being down?

Foursquare花了仅仅一年的时间就突破了一百万用户量。It took Foursquare just over a year to get a million users.

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为了帮助补救这样的失误,Foursquare很快就将推出签到提醒功能。To help remedy such oversights, Foursquare will soon be launching a check in reminder.

孙浩直爽地借钱给欣儿,令欣儿对他态度转变。SunHao foursquare to lend money to hin son, make hin for his son manner transformation.

目前,四方会还没有盈利,公司还在开发商业模型。So far, Foursquare has no revenue, and the company is still developing its business model.

过去几周有越来越多人提到把Foursquare当做一个潜在的企业工具。In the past few weeks we've seen more references to FourSquare as a potential enterprise tool.

我一直这样认为,如果Foursquare还有另一手,那它真能成就一个大公司。I’ve always said that if Foursquare has a “second act” coming it could be a really big company.

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可以论证的是,像Foursquare那样的社交网站就是现代版的活点地图。Arguably, social networking sites like Foursquare are the modern equivalent of a Marauder's Map.

一些外文的社交网络比如facebook,twitter和foursquare在中国都是被禁止的。Some foreign-based social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare are blocked.

游客们也可以登陆Foursquare来看看某餐厅或酒吧的受欢迎程度。Passers-by may also log-on to Foursquare to find out if a particular restaurant or bar is popular.

以及其他一些服务普及了游戏机制来获得用户忠诚度。Foursquare , Gowalla , and other services popularized the use of game mechanics to drive user engagement.

除了入室抢劫之外,还有其他一些原因让你保持Foursquare档案的私密性。Besides robberies, there are also other reasons why you might want to keep your Foursquare profile private.

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Foursquare可能很好玩儿,但Yelp仍是寻找餐馆、酒吧的最佳去处。Foursquare may be fun, he says, but Yelp remains the best place to find good restaurants and bars to patronize.

当他们的主要目标似乎是针对手机用户来投放资源的,yelp可以一直与Foursquare抗衡吗?While their main goal seems to be aiming resources at their mobile users, can Yelp also compete with Foursquare?

该公司最近与Foursquare合作,向在星巴客指定位置检入的客户提供折扣。The company recently teamed up with Foursquare to give discounts to customers who check in at Starbucks locations.

昨天傍晚,我们参观了四方公司总部,恰好是在他们关掉新的iPhone应用程序的几个小时前。We visited Foursquare HQ yesterday evening, just a few hours before the company flipped the switch on its new iPhone app.

Foursquare小组也做出响应,承诺加强沟通,改进操作流程,如Folkman所言The foursquare team also responded by promising to improve communication, operational procedures, and according to Folkman

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10天前Foursquare用户达到了200万的的里程碑,就在突破百万人数大关的三个月后。Ten days ago Foursquare reached the two-million-users landmark, just three months after it had reached the one-million mark.

但是随着这种影响力而来的是责任,人们越来越担心Foursquare可能会被证明是“跟踪狂的美梦”。But with such power comes responsibility and there are growing concerns that Foursquare is proving to be a "stalker's dream".

我们的团队将与”世界仆人”和”圣灵生命四方教会”同工,肯尼斯牧师将是我们的领导。Our team will be partnering with World Servants and the Spirit of Life Foursquare Church, led by Pastor Kenneth Pretty-on-Top.