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如今,环保理念才是王道。Now, greenery is in vogue.

多数情况下这种医疗保健的绿化方式亦可以省钱。Much of this greenery could also save money.

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这里,清风送爽,绿意更浓。Here, cooling with wind, shadowing with greenery.

但有一个领域的绿色环保行为可能太过超前。But in one area, greenery might be taken to excess.

是绿树与自然的颜色赋予每个人灵感。The greenery and the colors of nature inspire everyone.

也许你应该让手头上的钱都是大面额。Maybe you should keep your on-hand greenery in big bills.

当你来到武汉,映入眼帘的是青枝绿叶。As soon as you enter in Wuhan, the greenery catches your eye.

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一些绿色植物——切碎的荷兰芹和小葱,一小束芹菜。Greenery – cut parsley and spring onions, a bundle of celery.

多云多雾和多荫的地带,草木也葱郁茂盛。There is much greenery in lands of fog and clouds and shadow.

沿着壁炉架摆放了一些绿叶以使边线看起来柔和一点。Put some greenery along the mantle to soften the edge a little bit.

人终究会成为绿叶就是天体的正常规律。Person finally will become greenery be the ephemeris normal regulation.

中心大楼由绿化园林和木柱包裹着。The central building is wrapped with greenery and timber garden stakes.

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透过葱翠的树林可以看见那耸立著的教堂的塔尖。The spires of churches are to be seen pricking up through the greenery.

珠光不动声色地说了声“柳绿树红”。The pearly luster said calmly the sound "the willow tree greenery is red".

湖畔绿茵重重,盛产驼鹿,黑熊,飞鼠和潜鸟。Lake Greenery heavy, rich in moose, black bear, flying squirrels, and Diver.

对于我们而言,是时候清除人行道,改而增添更多的绿色了。Time to pound the pavement—and exchange some for more greenery. —David Biello

当春时,绿叶则构成了交织季节的网。Think that the greenery has composed intertexture season net then when spring.

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两天后,马啊,栅栏啊,绿叶啊,都已过去了。Makes sense too. Two days later, the horse, the fence and the greenery were gone.

严重磨损的绳索挂在一些较矮的树上。Old bits of dangerously frayed rope hung from some of the more accessible greenery.

曾拥有一片美丽的草地,曾拥有几丝蓬勃的绿意。Possessed a beautiful lawn, possessed glimmers flourishing greenery the campus offers.